pesor / TTGO-T-HIGrow

The extremely good plant sensor named LILYGO TTGO-T-HIGrow, is here integrated into Home Assistant, via MQTT messages, that can be Autodiscovered, via the belonging Python program. The program supports both DHT sensors, the new BME280 sensor and the external soil temperature sensor.
MIT License
70 stars 35 forks source link

not an issue, mqtt autodiscovery idea for ha #32

Open Maaciej opened 2 years ago

Maaciej commented 2 years ago

Auto discovery is complicated, it is not working for me, I don't understand what it tries to do, so I played with code.


new function

void mqttSetup(String identyfikator, String chipId, String uom = "x" )

  Serial.println("*****************************************" );

  const String topicStr_c = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId + "/" + identyfikator +"/config";
  const char* topic_c = topicStr_c.c_str();

  StaticJsonDocument<1536> doc_c;
  JsonObject root =<JsonObject>();

  root["name"] = device_name +" "+ identyfikator;
  root["state_topic"] = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId  + "/status";
  root["value_template"] = "{{ value_json['" + identyfikator +"'] }}";
  if ( uom != "x" ) {
    root["unit_of_measurement"] = uom;
//copy of existing sending code
// // Send to mqtt
  char buffer_c[1536];
  serializeJson(doc_c, buffer_c);

  Serial.print("Sending message to topic: ");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Sending message to topic: \n");


  // Connect to mqtt broker
  Serial.print("Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker: ");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker! \n");

  // Serial.println(broker);
  mqttClient.setServer(broker, port);

  if (!mqttClient.connect(broker, mqttuser, mqttpass)) {
    if (logging) {
      writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "MQTT connection failed! \n");

    Serial.print("MQTT connection failed! Error code = ");
    // goToDeepSleepFiveMinutes();

  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "You're connected to the MQTT broker! \n");

  Serial.println("You're connected to the MQTT broker!");

  bool retained = true;

  if (mqttClient.publish(topic_c, buffer_c, retained)) {
    Serial.println("Message published successfully");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error in Message, not published");
  Serial.println("*****************************************" );  


called before making json for mqtt with measure values:

  Serial.println("chipId " + chipId); //existing line

  mqttSetup("daysOnBattery", chipId);
  mqttSetup("battvoltage", chipId, "V");
  mqttSetup("bat", chipId, "%");
  mqttSetup("lux", chipId, "lx");
  mqttSetup("humid", chipId, "%");
  mqttSetup("soil", chipId, "%");
  mqttSetup("salt", chipId);
  mqttSetup("temp", chipId, "°C");

const String topicStr = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId + "/status"; //existing line

And with this changes measurements show itself in home assistant for me:


still don't know how to make the measurements to be possible to disable, I mean make them with unique entity_id


And question, it seems like there somewhere is log stored and other files, how to access them? I thought there is web server, or it should be visible as a portable drive but I can't find. Can anybody explain how to access log?

Maaciej commented 2 years ago

one more thing, because it can matter I changed original JSON to this, with one level structure:

StaticJsonDocument<1536> doc;
  // Set the values in the document
  // Device changes according to device placement
  JsonObject plant =<JsonObject>();

  // JsonObject plant = root.createNestedObject("sensor"); //CHANGE!!!!!
  plant[device_name] = chipId;
  plant["sensorname"] = plant_name;
  plant["date"] =;
  plant["time"] = config.time;
  plant["batchargeDate"] = config.batchargeDate;
  plant["daysOnBattery"] = config.daysOnBattery;
  // plant["battvolt"] = config.batvolt; //nie
  plant["bat"] = config.bat;
  plant["battvoltage"] = config.batvoltage;
  plant["sleep5Count"] = config.sleep5no;
  plant["bootCount"] = config.bootno;
  // plant["batcharge"] = config.batcharge; //nie
  plant["lux"] = config.lux; //nie
  plant["temp"] = config.temp;
  plant["humid"] = config.humid;
  // plant["pressure"] = config.pressure;
  plant["soil"] = config.soil;
  // plant["soilTemp"] = config.soilTemp; //nie
  plant["salt"] = config.salt;
  // plant["saltadvice"] = config.saltadvice;//nie
  // plant["plantValveNo"] = plantValveNo; //nie
  // plant["wifissid"] = WiFi.SSID(); //nie
  plant["rel"] = config.rel;

with two level structure one have to change json templates to read measurements.

Maaciej commented 2 years ago

entity_id solved. Because there are lot of changes in the file, full content:

void mqttSetup(String identyfikator, String chipId, String uom = "x", String dc = "x" )

  Serial.println("*****************************************" );

  const String topicStr_c = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId + "/" + identyfikator +"/config";
  const char* topic_c = topicStr_c.c_str();

  StaticJsonDocument<1536> doc_c;
  JsonObject root =<JsonObject>();

  root["name"] = device_name +" "+ identyfikator;

  if ( dc != "x" ) {
    root["device_class"] = dc;

  root["unique_id"] = chipId +"-"+ identyfikator;
  root["state_topic"] = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId  + "/status";
  root["value_template"] = "{{ value_json['" + identyfikator +"'] }}";
  if ( uom != "x" ) {
    root["unit_of_measurement"] = uom;

// // Send to mqtt
  char buffer_c[1536];
  serializeJson(doc_c, buffer_c);

  Serial.print("Sending message to topic: \n");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Sending message to topic: \n");

  // Serial.println(buffer_c);
  serializeJsonPretty(doc_c, Serial);

  // Connect to mqtt broker
  Serial.print("Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker: ");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker! \n");

  // Serial.println(broker);
  mqttClient.setServer(broker, port);

  if (!mqttClient.connect(broker, mqttuser, mqttpass)) {
    if (logging) {
      writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "MQTT connection failed! \n");

    Serial.print("MQTT connection failed! Error code = ");
    // goToDeepSleepFiveMinutes();

  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "You're connected to the MQTT broker! \n");

  Serial.println("You're connected to the MQTT broker!");

  bool retained = true;

  if (mqttClient.publish(topic_c, buffer_c, retained)) {
    Serial.println("Message published successfully");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error in Message, not published");
    // goToDeepSleepFiveMinutes();
  Serial.println("*****************************************" );  


// Allocate a  JsonDocument
void saveConfiguration(const Config & config) {

  //  Serial.println(WiFi.macAddress());
  //  String stringMAC = WiFi.macAddress();
  //  stringMAC.replace(':', '_');

  byte mac[6];

  //  String chipId = String(mac[0], HEX) + String(mac[1], HEX) + String(mac[2], HEX) + String(mac[3], HEX) + String(mac[4], HEX) + String(mac[5], HEX);
  String chipId = "";
  String HEXcheck = "";
  for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
    HEXcheck = String(mac[i], HEX);
    if (HEXcheck.length() == 1) {
      chipId = chipId + "0" + String(mac[i], HEX);
    } else {
      chipId = chipId + String(mac[i], HEX);
  Serial.println("chipId " + chipId);

  mqttSetup("daysOnBattery",  chipId, "x",  "duration");
  mqttSetup("battvoltage",    chipId, "V",  "voltage");
  mqttSetup("bat",            chipId, "%",  "battery");
  mqttSetup("lux",            chipId, "lx", "illuminance");
  mqttSetup("humid",          chipId, "%",  "humidity");
  mqttSetup("soil",           chipId, "%",  "humidity");
  mqttSetup("salt",           chipId, "x");
  mqttSetup("temp",           chipId, "°C", "temperature");

  const String topicStr = "homeassistant/sensor/" + device_name + "-" + chipId + "/status";
  const char* topic = topicStr.c_str();

  StaticJsonDocument<1536> doc;
  // Set the values in the document
  // Device changes according to device placement
  JsonObject plant =<JsonObject>();

  // JsonObject plant = root.createNestedObject("sensor");
  plant[device_name] = chipId;
  plant["sensorname"] = plant_name;
  plant["date"] =;
  plant["time"] = config.time;
  plant["batchargeDate"] = config.batchargeDate;
  plant["daysOnBattery"] = config.daysOnBattery;
  // plant["battvolt"] = config.batvolt; //nie
  plant["bat"] = config.bat;
  plant["battvoltage"] = config.batvoltage;
  plant["sleep5Count"] = config.sleep5no;
  plant["bootCount"] = config.bootno;
  // plant["batcharge"] = config.batcharge; //nie
  plant["lux"] = config.lux; //nie
  plant["temp"] = config.temp;
  plant["humid"] = config.humid;
  // plant["pressure"] = config.pressure;
  plant["soil"] = config.soil;
  // plant["soilTemp"] = config.soilTemp; //nie
  plant["salt"] = config.salt;
  // plant["saltadvice"] = config.saltadvice;//nie
  // plant["plantValveNo"] = plantValveNo; //nie
  // plant["wifissid"] = WiFi.SSID(); //nie
  plant["rel"] = config.rel;

  // Send to mqtt
  char buffer[1536];
  serializeJson(doc, buffer);

  Serial.print("Sending message to topic: \n");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Sending message to topic: \n");

  // Serial.println(buffer);
  serializeJsonPretty(doc, Serial);

  // Connect to mqtt broker
  Serial.print("Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker: ");
  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "Attempting to connect to the MQTT broker! \n");

  mqttClient.setServer(broker, port);

  if (!mqttClient.connect(broker, mqttuser, mqttpass)) {
    if (logging) {
      writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "MQTT connection failed! \n");

    Serial.print("MQTT connection failed! Error code = ");

  if (logging) {
    writeFile(SPIFFS, "/error.log", "You're connected to the MQTT broker! \n");

  Serial.println("You're connected to the MQTT broker!");

  bool retained = true;

  if (mqttClient.publish(topic, buffer, retained)) {
    Serial.println("Message published successfully");
  } else {
    Serial.println("Error in Message, not published");

and nice result in entities


JonOve commented 2 years ago

@Maaciej, as I am setting up some new sensors for HA I will give this a try. Is it the intention to replace the content of the file "save-configuration.h" with your code as mentioned above?

Maaciej commented 2 years ago

Is it the intention to replace the content of the file "save-configuration.h" with your code as mentioned above?

yes this whole save-configuration file content customized (unnecessary fields of json commented out and changed json structure) for my needs, with added mqtt autodiscovery for ha. I guess you change your file to above and should see that ha will detect configured metrics.

JonOve commented 2 years ago

Indeed, worked like a charm. Thanks a lot for the effort!

Maaciej commented 2 years ago

And question, it seems like there somewhere is log stored and other files, how to access them? I thought there is web server, or it should be visible as a portable drive but I can't find. Can anybody explain how to access log?

files in question are:

Listing directory: /
  FILE: favicon.ico     SIZE: 13532
  FILE: index.html      SIZE: 482
  FILE: app.js.gz       SIZE: 198509
  FILE: batinfo.conf    SIZE: 21
  FILE: error.log       SIZE: 1342
  FILE: soil.conf       SIZE: 9
  FILE: name.conf       SIZE: 9

files with extension .conf are from the program, and unknown are the first three. I suspect now they are from the original firmware. They cannot be removed by "remove", but I erased all files with SPIFFS.format() and now have only new files:

  FILE: name.conf       SIZE: 9
  FILE: batinfo.conf    SIZE: 21
  FILE: soil.conf       SIZE: 9  
elgansayer commented 1 year ago

Hi, i found a few issues with the above. Mainly having a device and sensor names. So updated some, added some,.

image (1)