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"Delving into Docker" needs updates #72

Open MadhavJivrajani opened 3 years ago

MadhavJivrajani commented 3 years ago

Helloooo good people of PESOS

I finally fully and attentively re-read "Delving into Docker" on the site, absolutely loved it.

A few things need updating since the blog was written:

  1. Kubernetes: Kubernetes is a platform to run and manage containerised applications, often running many containers together in dynamic environments. It helps running cloud native apps and makes use of Docker internally.

    Kubernetes does not use Docker exclusively anymore since the recent docker-shim deprecation. There are different container runtimes that are available such as containerd and cri-o, docker is still an available container runtime. You can find more information about container runtimes in k8s here.

Suggestion: Maybe adding the section for "What are Containers" before everything else, might provide better context to the reader.

Proposed approach for edits: We can't edit the original without indicating that it was edited. My suggestion would be to leave the original as is, and wherever text itself is being altered (like in case of point 1.), add a section called Edit right after that and we display the edit there.

This could be a good-first-issue and open for contributions from anyone: up for discussion. If we do this, we will need to decide on how credits for edits will be given.

cc @Gituser143 @metonymic-smokey

metonymic-smokey commented 3 years ago

@MadhavJivrajani very valid points raised, thank you!

@Gituser143 do you prefer making this a good first issue or editing it ourselves?

Gituser143 commented 3 years ago

I like the good first issues option!

MadhavJivrajani commented 3 years ago

If @metonymic-smokey concurs, we'll need to see how we can display who contributed to the article in some way. cc @tfidfwastaken

tfidfwastaken commented 3 years ago

Trying to make it work by editing author info will be too much chaos, and I've never really figured it out properly.

We could just have an italicized opening line, saying something like:

With contributions by <user1>, <user2>...

This will also accurately reflect the fact that @metonymic-smokey and @Gituser143 basically authored the whole post, and the edits are contributions from the community.

metonymic-smokey commented 3 years ago

Let's maybe mention this issue on the Slack? Most people might not check repos right now because of ISAs, etc.