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Testing internal module functions #1764

Closed toose closed 3 years ago

toose commented 3 years ago

General summary of the issue

Testing internal module functions does not work as expected. When running Invoke-Pester -Script LabModule.Tests.ps1, I'm returned with the error:

[-] LabModule.Private functions.Should test property foo against expected output 216ms (214ms|1ms) CommandNotFoundException: The term 'Get-PrivateStuff' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. at <ScriptBlock>, C:\Project\Modules\PrivateFunctionTest\LabModule.Tests.ps1:6

In v4, this was solved by using InModuleScope which AFAIK should be avoided in v5.

Describe your environment

Pester version : 5.0.4 C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Pester\5.0.4\Pester.psm1 PowerShell version : 5.1.19041.546 OS version : Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19041.0

Steps to reproduce

Example script files divided into scriptblocks:

#region LabModule.psd1
    RootModule = 'LabModule.psm1'
    ModuleVersion = '1.0'
    GUID = 'd00578f5-fb6b-4c47-83fb-ed1c8d9a1ec2'
    FunctionsToExport = 'Get-PublicStuff'

#region LabModule.psm1
# public function
function Get-PublicStuff {
    # Does something
# private function
function Get-PrivateStuff {
    return [PSCustomObject] @{ foo ='Cactus' }

#region LabModule.tests.ps1
Import-Module .\LabModule.psd1 -Force

Describe "LabModule" {
    Context "Private functions" {
        It "Should test property foo against expected output" {
            $stuff = Get-PrivateStuff
            $ | Should -Be 'Cactus'

Now run Invoke-Pester .\LabModule.Tests.ps1 -Ouptut Detailed

Expected Behavior

Execute assertions against an private internal module function.

Current Behavior

CommandNotFoundException is raised.

fflaten commented 3 years ago

The general advice is to avoid InModuleScope when possible. When it's used it'd be smart to limit it to calls inside a It. This doesn't mean it's banned as it's still critical for testing internal functions like you're doing in this case.

See which was newly updated with Pester v5 examples using InModuleScope for exactly this use case.

toose commented 3 years ago

Thanks @fflaten. I'll keep that in mind, but I think was over engineering the solution. Seeing as these are unit tests I'm writing, I get the desired behavior if I dot source the private function in BeforeAll and then test against it.