pester / Pester

Pester is the ubiquitous test and mock framework for PowerShell.
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Create assertion(s) for checking state of errors #452

Closed splatteredbits closed 3 years ago

splatteredbits commented 8 years ago

I currently have custom Assert-Error and Assert-NoError functions. I'd like an equivalent in Pester. Something like:

Assert-That -ThereAreNoErrors

Assert-That -LastError -Matches 'not found'
Assert-That -FirstError -Matches 'not found'
Assert-That -Error 1 -Matches 'not found'

Why not:

# If there is an error, the failure doesn't show you what the error was. Assert-That could show you what the unexpected error was.
$Error.Count | Should Be 0

# If there isn't an error, you get indexing error instead of a failed assertion
$Error[0] | Should Match 'not found'

Also, you can't actually use $Error, since that collection is scoped. You have to actually use $Global:Error. That can be hard to remember. Encapsulating that in an assertion would be nice.

Should I create an Assert-That function? Or put these assertions somewhere else? Essentially, I'd like a place for assertions about the system, not necessarily specific objects.

dlwyatt commented 8 years ago

Personally, I tend to use Should Throw in conjunction with -ErrorAction Stop to do these sorts of tests.

From a general UI standpoint, having an Assert-That function instead of Should would be more flexible (and would avoid some headaches that come from using the pipeline as input to Should). Assert-MockCalled and Assert-VerifiableMocks basically exist for that same reason; it wouldn't make any sense to try to shoehorn them into the current implementation of Should. I could see an Assert-That command being an eventual replacement for all three of those commands.

However, I would not want to start that work right now from the master branch, because significant changes have already been made to Should in the branch. Doing anything out in master would result in another giant merge conflict for me to sort out later, which I'm getting rather sick of doing. I want to get v4 done and released soon. :)

it-praktyk commented 7 years ago

The related project by @nohwnd ->

@dlwyatt, should we close the current issue as 'Feature - refused'?

nohwnd commented 3 years ago

@splatteredbits does this still sound like a good idea to you?