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Syntax errors in Quick-Start Creating a Pester Test #289

Closed KyleRemil closed 5 months ago

KyleRemil commented 1 year ago


Link to page

What is the issue?

I copy pasted the code into a document named Get-Planet.Tests.ps1 and got syntax errors.

  1. The BeforeAll command may only be used inside a Describe block.
  2. RuntimeException: '-Be' is not a valid Should operator
  3. Parameter cannot be processed because the parameter name 'Output' is ambiguous

I first removed 'BeforeAll' then I got the '-Be' exception. Either I don't understand the directions or the syntax is incorrect for the version I am running.

My PC: Windows 10 22H2 Pester 3.4.0 PowerShell 5.1.19041.3570

Suggested fix?

Update example code to:

function Get-Planet ([string]$Name = '*') {
    $planets = @(
        @{ Name = 'Mercury' }
        @{ Name = 'Venus'   }
        @{ Name = 'Earth'   }
        @{ Name = 'Mars'    }
        @{ Name = 'Jupiter' }
        @{ Name = 'Saturn'  }
        @{ Name = 'Uranus'  }
        @{ Name = 'Neptune' }
    ) | ForEach-Object { [PSCustomObject] $_ }

    $planets | Where-Object { $_.Name -like $Name }

Describe 'Get-Planet' {
    It 'Given no parameters, it lists all 8 planets' {
        $allPlanets = Get-Planet
        $allPlanets.Count | Should -Be 8

Run in terminal with: Invoke-Pester "C:\MyFolder\Get-Planet.Tests.ps1"

fflaten commented 1 year ago

Thanks for trying out Pester.

The docs at are written for the latest version which currently is 5.5.0. You may also select v4 docs using the dropdown next to the Pester-logo in the top left.

Pester v3 is unsupported so the only docs available atm. are the included PowerShell command help and about_* files which you can read with ex. Get-Help about_Pester

I'd recommend that you upgrade to the latest v5 version using Install-Module Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck for new projects. For existing projects, see our migration guides: