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Interpolated dataset names #1146

Closed JHWelch closed 2 months ago

JHWelch commented 2 months ago



This PR is to add the functionality I described in a recent discussion thread.

This PR is solving the problem that though we can name our datasets, we are not able to take a step further and use those dataset names fluently inside of a test name.

To do this you add :dataset into your test name, and the dataset name will be interpolated into the test name string. Similar to Laravel's :attribute inside validation strings

I am very open to any changes!

I targeted 3.x because this would be a breaking change, even if :dataset is unlikely.

Contrived Example



it('can sort by all fields', function (/* ... */) {
    /* ... */
    'name' => [ /* ... */ ],
    'email' => [ /* ... */ ],
    'created_at' => [ /* ... */]

Pest output

   PASS  Tests\Feature\TableSortTest
  ✓ it can sort by all fields with dataset "name"                                                                                                            
  ✓ it can sort by all fields with dataset "email"
  ✓ it can sort by all fields with dataset "created_at"



it('can sort by :dataset field', function (/* ... */) {
    /* ... */
    'name' => [ /* ... */ ],
    'email' => [ /* ... */ ],
    'created_at' => [ /* ... */]

Pest output

   PASS  Tests\Feature\TableSortTest
  ✓ it can sort by "name" field                                                                                                     
  ✓ it can sort by "email" field
  ✓ it can sort by "created_at" field


I'm not a huge fan of where this functionality is, but I'm not sure where else it could be refactored to. Especially needing to remove the 'dataset ' that is already on the name. However any other approach would require significantly more refactoring I believe.