pestphp / pest

Pest is an elegant PHP testing Framework with a focus on simplicity, meticulously designed to bring back the joy of testing in PHP.
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[BUG] The "--coverage" option does not exist. #525

Closed mister-good-deal closed 2 years ago

mister-good-deal commented 2 years ago


Docker env

PHP 8.1.6 Pest 1.21.2 PHPUnit 9.5.20 xdebug 3.1.4



When I run ./vendor/bin/pest --coverage all the tests are being run but at the end I have The "--coverage" option does not exist. output.

Sample output


  PASS  Tests\Feature\Commands\ProfileRemoveTest
  ✓ Profile remove command is successful
  ✓ Profiles were correctly removed from the profile list file
  ✓ Profile remove command fails with ('')
  ✓ Profile remove command fails with ('#random&123&485#')

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Commands\ProfileSelectionTest
  ✓ Profile select command is successful
  ✓ Selected profile is written in current_profile file
  ✓ Profile select command fails with ('')
  ✓ Profile select command fails with ('#random&123&485#')
  ✓ Selected profile written in current_profile file did not change

  Tests:  45 passed
  Time:   1.07s

  The "--coverage" option does not exist.  

list [--raw] [--format FORMAT] [--short] [--] [<namespace>]
nunomaduro commented 2 years ago

What happens if you run pest outside the docker env?

mister-good-deal commented 2 years ago

@nunomaduro Seems like the --coverage option is not even parsed.

The tests runs (with some failures because I didn't install all the services in my local env only PHP8-1 with composer and xdebug) and then nohing.

./vendor/bin/pest --coverage



Tests:  11 failed, 45 passed, -2 pending
  Time:   1.86s

If I run specific sucessfull tests on a group I have the following

./vendor/bin/pest --coverage --group=Account

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Commands\AccountAddTest
  ✓ Account add command is successful with ('')
  ✓ Account add command is successful with ('')
  ✓ Account add command is successful with ('')
  ✓ Account add command is successful with ('')
  ✓ Account add command is successful with ('')
  ✓ Account add command is successful with ('')
  ✓ Accounts were correctly added to the list file
  ✓ Account add command fails with ('')
  ✓ Account add command fails with ('')
  ✓ Account add command fails with ('')
  ✓ Account add command fails with ('')
  ✓ Account add command fails with ('')
  ✓ Accounts were not added to the list file

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Commands\AccountDisplayTest
  ✓ Account display command is successful
  ✓ Account display command return the correct output

   PASS  Tests\Feature\Commands\AccountRemoveTest
  ✓ Account remove command is successful with (5)
  ✓ Account remove command is successful with (0)
  ✓ Account remove command is successful with (2)
  ✓ Account remove command is successful with ('1')
  ✓ Account remove command is successful with ('3')
  ✓ Accounts were correctly removed from the list file
  ✓ Account remove command fails with (-2)
  ✓ Account remove command fails with (-3)
  ✓ Account remove command fails with ('123')
  ✓ Account remove command fails with ('abc')
  ✓ Account remove command fails with (8)
  ✓ Account remove command fails with (9)

  Tests:  27 passed
  Time:   0.97s

  The "--coverage" option does not exist.  

list [--raw] [--format FORMAT] [--short] [--] [<namespace>]

And if i change the argument order the command ends with the following


/vendor/bin/pest --group=Account --coverage


  Tests:  27 passed
  Time:   0.97s

  The "--group" option does not exist.  

list [--raw] [--format FORMAT] [--short] [--] [<namespace>]
sinnbeck commented 2 years ago

I run it using docker (lando), and have no such issue. Works both from CLI and from phpstorm. Can you explain step by step, how you are running the command? Is it run through docker run or similar?

mister-good-deal commented 2 years ago

I have a docker-compose.yaml file with couple of services like ElasticSearch / Kibana and a php 8 alpine env with the following


FROM php:8.1-alpine

ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive

# Setup server timezone
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/${TZ} /etc/localtime && echo ${TZ} > /etc/timezone

# Install dev tools
RUN apk add --update bash bash-completion

# Configure bash completion
RUN mkdir /etc/bash_completion.d

SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]

# Use docker-php-entension-installer to install composer and xdebug
ADD /usr/local/bin/

# Install PHP Composer
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/install-php-extensions && \
    install-php-extensions @composer


# Install Composer deps
ADD . /app
RUN composer install

# Add bash auto completion for app cli
RUN ./app completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/

Then I start the services in background with docker-compose up -d.

Finally I login into the php container with docker exec -it -e SHELL=bash php-container-cli bash in a terminal and I can run my commands in the Symfony php console app.

Oh maybe the problem is the entrypoint script :

# Hack for not shutting down the cli
tail -f /dev/null
sinnbeck commented 2 years ago

It all sounds exactly how I would do it. One question. What does this mean?

I can run my commands in the Symfony php console app.

Are you running some symfony command before running pest ?

Any chance you could make a tiny example repo on github that we can try out to recreate the error?

mister-good-deal commented 2 years ago


I can run my commands in the Symfony php console app.

Just meaning after login to the php container in a console I call ./app my-command to use the php Symfony application. The app file is a php file starting with a shebang #!/usr/bin/env php and containing app launcher logic.

But I don't call the app before launching the tests, I run ./vendor/bin/pest right after entering the php container.

Strange thing is that all tests are running good but there is this strange --coverage option that fails.

I'll try to create a minimal reproducible example in a public repo and I'll post the link there.

mister-good-deal commented 2 years ago

There it is => minimal-reproducible-example

sinnbeck commented 2 years ago

@ZiperRom1 That is indeed strange! I can recreate it with your docker image and I even tested it with lando. In all of my own apps (running laravel instead of symfony) it works.. I will try and get it working but I am quite unsure what the problem is. Perhaps someone can test it outside of docker?

sinnbeck commented 2 years ago

Ok I found the error. @nunomaduro This might be a problem with pest due to a wrong error message or similar?

@ZiperRom1 Open phpunit.xml and remove

            <directory suffix=".php">./app</directory>

from <coverage> and it starts working

mister-good-deal commented 2 years ago

You rock! Thank you, I was banging my head to find out what config settings I was missing...

Indeed a tiny sand dust in a config file resulting in a strange behaviour.