pet333r / pw-dev_script

Script for DCS World
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Trackfile doesn't contain app inputs #35

Open Milan8309 opened 1 year ago

Milan8309 commented 1 year ago

When playing a trackfile after using the app in a sortie, the inputs I made were not executed in the track.

pet333r commented 1 year ago

Write me something more so I know exactly what to check

Milan8309 commented 1 year ago

Okay, here is an example:

While flying the F-16 in a mission I use the ICP mode of your app for setting the radio frequency. So I tap the 'COM1' button, enter the frequency I need and tap the 'ENTR' button. Now I use the radio for a special trigger in the mission. After exiting the mission I play the .trk file. If I reach the scene where I used the app I can now see that the changing of the frequency does not happen and the radio trigger doesn't work.

Another example:

I fly heading north and set a new steerpoint via the ICP inputs on my tablet somewhere west of my position. Now I set the steerpoint heading autopilot and the plane turns left. At the new steerpoint I drop a bomb and kill a tank which is placed there. If I now watch the .trk file the entering of the new steerpoint doesn't happen. The steerpoint heading mode gets set, the plane flies somewhere an drops the bomb into the desert.

So it seems that the inputs I made on my tablet were not saved to the .trk file. When I use my mouse on the virtual cockpit it works, when I use a key that is set to the ICP buttons in the settings it works.

Do you have any idea to fix this?

Greetings Milan

pet333r commented 1 year ago

The problem with recording tracks in DCS World has been known for a long time, but it is not caused by any application, script or anything else. From what I know and what I found on the DCS World forums, it does not save the exact flight path and what is done in the cockpit, it only saves the positions of e.g. joystick, mouse clicks in the cockpit, etc. and when playing the path, everything is resimulated from the beginning. Unfortunately, this often causes complications and errors, e.g. the plane flies completely different than you flew, etc. Check out this forum post, it's covered in part there

Milan8309 commented 1 year ago

Okay, this means that clicking the COM1 button with the mouse in the cockpit ist not the same for the game as tapping the COM1 button in your app?

Bagger13 commented 1 year ago

I have experienced similar issues in the F/A-18C module.

For example; when configuring weapons in the air, I use my tablet UFC to enter QTY as "4". Fly the mission, drop the weapons, RTB, land.

When replaying the track file, at the point when I enter the QTY in the UFC, the replay shows "1" getting entered instead of "4". And after that point in the replay, the aircraft changes it's flightpath from what I had actually flown and eventually impacts the ground.

If I fly the same profile again and just enter the QTY in the UFC with mouse clicks instead of using the tablet, the trackfile is an accurate duplication of the flight..