petabridge / NBench

Performance benchmarking and testing framework for .NET applications :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Apache License 2.0
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Thorughput time to execute accuracy wildly incorrect #139

Closed jamesbascle closed 4 years ago

jamesbascle commented 7 years ago

I have a benchmark with this setting

    [PerfBenchmark(Description = "Test performance of Matching.", RunMode = RunMode.Throughput, RunTimeMilliseconds = 200, TestMode = TestMode.Test)]

It runs on average between 8-10 seconds.

You can see the test here:

alexpantyukhin commented 7 years ago

Maybe setting NumberOfIterations parameter will work for you (for example 3). The default value is 10 for NumberOfIterations ( .

jamesbascle commented 7 years ago

Ahhhh. I see. I understood the documentation to mean that one used Throughput AND RunTimeMilliseconds OR Iterations AND NumberOfIterations, not that those are used in conjunction.

Aaronontheweb commented 7 years ago

@jamesbascle sorry about that - we should rename this issue to clarify that in the documentation then I think. Isn't that the real issue here?