petabridge / NBench

Performance benchmarking and testing framework for .NET applications :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Apache License 2.0
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PerfBenchmark with TestMode.Measurement throws error without assertion #475

Open DR9885 opened 5 months ago

DR9885 commented 5 months ago

PerfBenchmark with TestMode.Measurement throws error without assertion. Isn't testmode measurment meant to be use with no assertions. Is there any way we can disable this check?


    public class TempBenchmark
        private Counter _counter;

        public void Setup(BenchmarkContext context)
            _counter = context.GetCounter("Event");

        [PerfBenchmark(RunMode = RunMode.Iterations, TestMode = TestMode.Measurement)]
        // [CounterThroughputAssertion("Event", MustBe.GreaterThan, 0.20d)]
        public void Iterations()