Closed Aaronontheweb closed 2 years ago
This appears to pass with the current Phobos v1.5.0-beta1 branch:
[Fact(DisplayName = "Should propagate Phobos settings via Config to children when using deprecated DI")]
public async Task ShouldPropagateSettingsToChildrenWithDeprecatedDI()
// arrange
var noTraceActor = Sys.ActorOf(act => act.ReceiveAny((o, context) => { context.Sender.Tell(o); }),
//var props = _resolver.Create<PhobosActorRefProviderDeprecatedDISpec.SomeActor>();
var props = Sys.DI().Props<PhobosActorRefProviderDeprecatedDISpec.SomeActor>();
var tracedActor = Sys.ActorOf(act =>
act.Receive<string>((s, context) =>
act.Receive<int>((i, context) =>
var child = context.ActorOf(props);
child.Tell("getInt", context.Sender);
}, "parent");
// act
ExpectTracesFrom(tracedActor, 1);
await WaitForTracerToResetAsync();
// now, see if the child is traced
// assert
await WaitForTracesToStabilize();
FinishedSpans.Count.Should().Be(2); // one for each receive
FinishedSpans.Select(c => c.Context.TraceId).Distinct().Should().HaveCount(1);
Before I generate a code sample showing the same kind of registrations, functional prop injection, and group router setup the involved actors are using...
phobos {
tracing {
trace-all-system-actors = off
trace-all-user-actors = off
trace-actor-lifecycle = off
debug {
log-traces = off
} = off
monitoring {
monitor-all-system-actors = off
monitor-all-user-actors = off
monitor-mailbox-depth = off
monitor-eventstream = off
} {
provider = "Phobos.Actor.PhobosActorRefProvider, Phobos.Actor"
deployment {
/someparentactor {
phobos {
propagate-settings-to-children = on
tracing {
enabled = on
monitoring {
enabled = on
monitor-mailbox-depth = on
I was probably mistaken, as the children I said I wasn't seeing traces for after that addition to the HOCON - the traces for them were them logging a debug statement during pre-start. There is no active message passing between parent and child outside of external stimulus driving it. Does adding phobos.tracing { = off }
explain it? I'm going to go set up some throwaway changes to have the parent periodically message the children to check if this is actually a problem.
Edit: yeah I'm seeing ping-pong traces no problem. Sorry for bringing that up, seems to be behaving as expected. Thanks for looking into it.
Ah, I think I know what your issue is - you need to set trace-actor-lifecycle = on
in order for PreStart
to be traced properly.
Create a parent actor with:
Then create some child actors using Akka.DI or Akka.DependencyInjection.
Child actors would have tracing and monitoring.
Child actors do not have tracing and monitoring.