Open develperbayman opened 1 year ago
the above script works great for openai would be sweet if i could make it use petals
here a code update if anyone is interested i may open a repo
import tkinter as tk
from gtts import gTTS
import speech_recognition as sr
from transformers import BloomTokenizerFast
from petals import DistributedBloomForCausalLM
# Initialize the Tkinter window
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Petals Chatbot")
# Create a Text widget for displaying messages
text_widget = tk.Text(root)
# Initialize the chatbot components
MODEL_NAME = "bigscience/bloom-7b1-petals"
DEVICE = 'cuda'
tokenizer = BloomTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
model = DistributedBloomForCausalLM.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME).to(DEVICE)
# Function to generate a response from user input
def generate_response(user_input):
inputs = tokenizer([f"{user_input}\n-----\n"], return_tensors='pt')['input_ids'].to(DEVICE)
with model.inference_session(max_length=512) as sess:
outputs = model.generate(
bloom_answer_token = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0, -1:])
return bloom_answer_token
# Function to speak the response
def speak_response(response):
tts = gTTS(text=response, lang='en')"response.mp3")
os.system("play response.mp3")
# Function to handle sending user message
def send_user_message():
user_input = user_input_entry.get()
add_message("You: " + user_input, True)
response = generate_response(user_input)
add_message("Bot: " + response, False)
# Function to add a message to the display
def add_message(message, is_user):
tag = "user" if is_user else "bot"
text_widget.insert(tk.END, "\n" + message, tag)
# Entry widget for user input
user_input_entry = tk.Entry(root)
# Button to send user message
send_button = tk.Button(root, text="Send", command=send_user_message)
# Styling for user and bot messages
text_widget.tag_configure("user", foreground="blue")
text_widget.tag_configure("bot", foreground="green")
hello this is a very cool project is there a way to leverage petals as a flask app i already have? i want to move away from openai and usage i using a orange pi 5 but i have never been able to utilize the NPU also i looked at the documents and i thought my head was going to explode but yeah i want to basically take my code and switch out openai to petals use my npu/gpu to help the cluster/myself then access the chatbot within my html heres my code any advice would be awesome as im getting tired on it and just want it to work lol ~heres to hoping the code markdown stuck (i always have problems with it)