petea / sage

A feed reader for Firefox.
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Feeds using HTTP auth break the feed checker #106

Closed brunomueller closed 10 years ago

brunomueller commented 11 years ago

Hi Using Sage 1.5.1, Firefox 22, Windows7

I have some feeds that prompt for userid and password, the first time when userid and password are not known the feeds do not work, here are the error messages:

Timestamp: 01.07.2013 09:12:46 Error: no element found Source File: Line: 1

Timestamp: 01.07.2013 09:12:46 Error: NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING: 'Feed document empty' when calling method: [sageIFeedParserFactory::createFeedParser] Source File: chrome://sage/content/feedloader.js Line: 168

when I enter the URL directly in the browser I am prompted for userid/password and from then on the feed works normal

Thanks for your help

petea commented 11 years ago

The new feed checker in 1.5 isn't handling HTTP basic auth and we need to do something about that. I'm guessing that with 1.4 you were used to entering your credentials when you manually requested that the feeds be checked?

One short term solution would be to specify your username and password in the feed URL:

brunomueller commented 11 years ago

Using Sage 1.4 I was prompted for userid and password, also when using "Check Feeds", I will check your suggestion.

brunomueller commented 10 years ago

Hi Pete

I checked with latest 1.5.2b1 when I click on a feed I get prompted for userid/password. However when I use the "Check Feeds" button I am not prompted and it stops at this feed.

I get the following message in the JS Console:

Timestamp: 12.07.2013 17:07:46 Error: no element found Source File: http://server/l1/l2/listfeed.aspx?List=b165898e%2D33dd%2D484e%2D98c6%2D7fd0d481569c Line: 1

Timestamp: 12.07.2013 17:07:46 Error: NS_ERROR_XPC_JS_THREW_STRING: 'Feed document empty' when calling method: [sageIFeedParserFactory::createFeedParser] Source File: resource://sage/SageUpdateChecker.jsm Line: 304

petea commented 10 years ago

This should be fixed with the 1.5.2b3 beta release. The intended behavior for now is for these feeds to be shown in the error state if the user isn't currently authed. When this happens, the user can click to render the feed and auth interactively, after which point the feed would be checked in the background until the auth expires.

brunomueller commented 10 years ago

Hi Pete

Installed the 1.5.2b3 and verified what you described, thanks so much for fixing this. Now Sage is perfectly usable again for me