petea / sage

A feed reader for Firefox.
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Feeds don't reload, Select Feed Folder doesn't list all folders #107

Closed nigelorr closed 10 years ago

nigelorr commented 11 years ago

I have been using Sage for 1-2 years, currently have a problem where the feeds don't refresh in the sidebar, and don't open in the main window.

Feeds underline as I move over them, but do nothing when I click. Similarly the Refresh button does nothing when I click. Options opens OK, but Select Feed Folder only lists 'Bookmarks Menu'

Organize Feeds Folder lets me browse to see my Feeds, and this shows the current state of them with unread items shown as live bookmarks, as normal.

As a last resort I removed Sage, restarted Firefox, reinstalled, restarted Firefox but the problem persists.

about:config doesn't show any entries which look like path settings for the feeds when I search for 'sage' but does show other configuration, maybe this is normal?


aejames commented 11 years ago

I just started having this problem today--I downloaded the new version of Sage (1.5.1) and that fixed the select feed folder issue you're having, but I couldn't get sage to 'accept' the folder change (I clicked on 'OK' and nothing happened--the 'options' box just stays open. The only thing I can do is 'cancel' and of course this undoes my folder selection).

nigelorr commented 11 years ago

Additional detail from the Error Console. On opening Sage, I get

Timestamp: 04/07/2013 08:52:11 Error: TypeError: PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkItem is not a function Source File: chrome://sage/content/sage.js Line: 185 and Timestamp: 04/07/2013 08:53:44 Error: TypeError: PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkContainer is not a function Source File: chrome://sage/content/sage.js Line: 225 Repeated multiple times as I move over the feed list

Clicking on one feed I get Timestamp: 04/07/2013 08:54:33 Error: An error occurred updating the cmd_cut command: [Exception... "'[JavaScript Error: "PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkContainer is not a function" {file: "chrome://sage/content/sage.js" line: 225}]' when calling method: [nsIController::isCommandEnabled]" nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js :: goUpdateCommand :: line 75" data: yes] Source File: chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js Line: 81

Note that at the moment my feed list is the top level of bookmarks, once I selected it once to try to work out what was going on I can't set it back to my Sage Feeds folder

Clicking on refresh button gets me a burst of errors like the above and also Timestamp: 04/07/2013 08:56:45 Error: NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS: '[JavaScript Error: "PlacesUtils.nodeIsLivemarkContainer is not a function" {file: "chrome://sage/content/sage.js" line: 225}]' when calling method: [nsIController::isCommandEnabled] Source File: chrome://browser/content/places/controller.js Line: 1605 and Timestamp: 04/07/2013 08:56:45 Error: NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_IID: Component returned failure code: 0x80570018 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_IID) [nsIJSCID.getService] Source File: chrome://sage/content/updatechecker.js Line: 88

I hope some of those help track the problem, Sage is unusable just now.

To test aejames' comment, I tried to install 1.5.1 from the link on but get a Mozilla custom 404 page at



nigelorr commented 11 years ago

And I should have said, I'm currently on FF20 and Sage 1.4.15

petea commented 11 years ago

nigelorr: try upgrading to Firefox 22 and the latest version of Sage:

petea commented 11 years ago

aejames: are you seeing any errors in the Error Console when you try to click "OK"?

Tools > Web Developer > Error Console

aejames commented 11 years ago

The error console says 'Multiple Root Folders Found' (all my feeds are in one folder).

nigelorr commented 11 years ago

I am already on FF22, sorry I made a typo above.

As I noted above I can't get latest version of Sage as the link from the blog goes to a 404 page, can you supply the correct address? I won't be able to try it now for at least a week, so it may be released by Mozilla properly by then...

petea commented 11 years ago

nigelorr: there's a big green button on the Sage home page. Click it.

petea commented 11 years ago

aejames: opened a new issue for your problem: #110

nigelorr commented 10 years ago

Fixed in Sage 1.5.1 / FF 22.0

Thanks a lot.