petea / sage

A feed reader for Firefox.
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Provide a low friction subscribe flow #118

Open petea opened 10 years ago

devurandom commented 8 years ago

Would be great if I could just click a link with a supported mime-type and Firefox would automatically subscribe using Sage.

Currently you can setup Sage to handle feeds (instead of using Live Bookmarks), but that does not subscribe you. And once you made that setting permanent (i.e. auto-open using Sage), there is no easy way to subscribe to the feeds at all anymore (short from going to about:config and removing the Sage's feed handler).

Thus my workflow is currently to open the feed and get the default Firefox view of it, then click the bookmark icon and manually put it into the right folder.

Would be awesome if this could be automated, or if open-using-sage would offer a "subscribe" button.

devurandom commented 8 years ago

P.S: I think some ideas can be drawn from NewsBlur, which has a subscribe workflow still far from perfect, but at least a little less manual.