petea / sage

A feed reader for Firefox.
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Can't reopen sage rss feeds on startup #144

Open CCF1 opened 8 years ago

CCF1 commented 8 years ago

Firefox - have "open my window and tabs from last visit" selected

issue only started occuring in last 2-3 versions of firefox - version ~40/41

have a number of tabs using sage rss feeds,

At shutdown of firefox/pc, sage rss feed loaded on number of tabs

On startup the next day: Firefox will not open the sage rss feed you last left on that tab (at shutdown) and will instead go to the last non-sage page you visited instead. (forward/newer or backward/older)

another similar issue, if on a tab you have loaded

webpage 2 (newest) webpage 1 google sage rss google (oldest)

if you are on "webpage 2" and go back to "sage rss" the tab still thinks its on "webpage 2" as that has a dot beside it