petebachant / TurbineDAQ

Python desktop app for automated turbine data acquisition in the UNH tow tank.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 5 forks source link

Overload warning for load cell channels #73

Open petebachant opened 6 months ago

petebachant commented 6 months ago

Notify tank operator if load cells are recording values close to their upper limit

petebachant commented 6 months ago

From @meganandd

Pamboukes commented 5 months ago

Safe overload = 150% of full scale capacity for each channel. I would recomend warnings at 100% and 125% of full scale.

FS Capacity of each channel:

Mx = 47 N-m My = 172 N-m Fz = 1885 N Mz = 222 N-m

Should we use this to cause the system to shut down if overload reaches some threshold? These moments/forces are caused by the turbine running, in practice, so automating to stop the rotor and stop the carriage if said threshold is met may be a good idea? Could include an ovverride switch if that was helpful for some reason.