peted-davis / WeatherFlow_PiConsole

Raspberry Pi Python console for WeatherFlow Tempest and Smart Home Weather Stations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Failed installation #86

Closed adamsfour closed 1 year ago

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Attempting to install on pi3 see screenshot for the error I received. 8EE99D86-B486-42C9-A637-6C93269D912C 1C5C2D00-4C83-4951-8935-716E082773F4 1AF41FCB-AC7F-4E41-9F4B-D8A2C04F3802 68C0768C-9106-46E8-AA1F-C623F54F87B2

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

I figured a way to see error log[ ErrorLog.txt

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Some logs kivy_23-02-10_3.txt

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Sorry another data point. Did a clean install of OS, ran the extra script you mention in a closed issue (python - m pip ) then ran install. No change.

peted-davis commented 1 year ago

I'm looking into this at the moment but I'm not having much luck I'm afraid. It looks like something has changed with Kivy and/or Raspberry Pi OS that is preventing Kivy from compiling correctly

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Okay. I did try install without taking OS upgrade but made no difference. Do we think it’s isolated to PI 3B or would I get same result on PI 4B. Not my first choice but could purchase a PI 4 if only way forward. Will stand by

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Would reverting to an older version of buster OS resolve the problem. I found earlier versions.

peted-davis commented 1 year ago

I think this is only Pi3 related. You could definitely try an older version of Buster. It might help isolate the issue. I'll keep working on finding a fix for the Pi3, no need to get a Pi4 right now

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Tried 4-4-2022 buster build. Same error.

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Also tired 12-02-2021 build which gave me the same error. Thanks for your help

peted-davis commented 1 year ago

Can you try running this command:

python3 -m pip install

If it works, it will take a while to compile

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Yes, I will report back once completed. I assume you want me to 1) run Python3 script and then follow by Curl script

peted-davis commented 1 year ago

Yes, if the command I shared completes, then try the curl command again

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Sorry no luck. I have attached the screen dump and the error log. Hope this helps kivy_23-02-12_3.txt ErrorLog.txt

peted-davis commented 1 year ago

Ah, have you run the curl script at all on the current Raspberry Pi OS build you have your SD card? The curl script installs a bunch of dependencies that are required for the Python command I shared to run successfully.

If you haven't, run the curl script now. Let it get to the point that it errors (the dependencies will have been installed) and then run the Python command again

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

will do stand by

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

How long should it run. Been running now for about 10 min. no errors

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

I afraid still no luck. Kivy did finally install. Steps I followed Clean install of OS on SD card Ran Curl command first Ran Kivy install ScreendumpKivyInstall.txt

Ran Curl command again ScreenDumpcurl.txt

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

I was looking at closed cases to see if this had ever happen before. If you look at closed case #61. He had a similar issue. somehow he was able to get it to install. I know ultimately he had other issues but it does appear he was able to get it to work. It appears he using a PI 3 b+ vs me using a PI 3 b. thanks

peted-davis commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I made a silly mistake in the Python command I shared. It installed v2.1.0 of Kivy, while the curl script tries to install v2.0.0. The curl script tries to overwrite the existing version, hence why it failed again. Run this command (it will take a long time to compile again)

python3 -m pip install

and then run the curl script for the last time. Hopefully this time it'll work. If not we know v2.1.0 installs so I might just have to bump the version number in the curl install script

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

no problem. I will give it a shot. I always go back and re-image the SD card first so I know I am starting with a clean build. Will report back once completed

peted-davis commented 1 year ago

Ok, make sure you run the curl script first before the python command on the clean build

adamsfour commented 1 year ago


adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Sorry but failed again. See screen dump. As mentioned I re-imaged SD card, re-ran Curl first then install. Failed withing a couple of minutes


peted-davis commented 1 year ago

This is annoying! It looks like I need to bump the version number as something has gone awry with v2.0.0. Can you trying running this command (no need for a clean install):

python3 -m pip install

If that installs we have a solution. Don't try and run the curl script afterwards. I will need to bump the version number in the Github repo first

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

I kick off the script before I had to run out for a few hours. Yesterday I actually had to restart the install as it seem to stall after about two hours

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Also second time I ran it I increased swap space

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the delayed responds. Let me know when you have the new script ready and I will give it a shot

The install worked find for the new version Kivy. Screen dump attached ScreenDumpKivyinstall.txt

peted-davis commented 1 year ago

OK, I've bumped the version number in the curl script. Can you run it and let me know whether everything completes and you're able to start the console

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Will do. Just started script

adamsfour commented 1 year ago

Bingo, Up and running perfectly. Thanks for the help

peted-davis commented 1 year ago

Brilliant, glad we got to the bottom of it