petehamilton / citier

CITIER (Class Inheritance & Table Inheritance Embeddings for Rails) is a solution for simple Multiple Class Inheritance in Rails.
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Doesn't work with mysql2 / MySQL 14? #23

Open fredriproad opened 13 years ago

fredriproad commented 13 years ago

I was really psyched about this gem and I've been trying hard to get it to work, with no luck. :-\ I followed the documentation on the site (, and I couldn't get even the simplest example to run. I'm running SUSE Linux, MySQL 14.14, mysql2 gem, Rails 3.0.9, and Ruby 1.9.

First, there were problems with the migrations. The issue was in create_citier_view -- duplicate/ambiguous field names. (It was taking the timestamp fields from the "root" table and the "child" table.) I had it ignore those fields, and managed to get it to build the tables.

Then, I tried running it, and I get this error: "ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'type' in 'field list'"

In my example, a "LevelAlphaThing" has a name, and a "LevelBetaThing" inherits from LevelAlphaThing and adds a color.

Here's the code:

_the migrations_

class CreateLevelAlphaThings < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :level_alpha_things do |t| t.string :name t.string :inheritance_column_name t.timestamps end end

def self.down drop_table :level_alpha_things end end

class CreateLevelBetaThings < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :level_beta_things do |t| t.string :color t.timestamps end create_citier_view(LevelBetaThing) end

def self.down drop_table :level_beta_things drop_citier_view(LevelBetaThing) end end

_the models_

class LevelAlphaThing < ActiveRecord::Base

:name, :inheritance_column_name

acts_as_citier end

class LevelBetaThing < LevelAlphaThing


acts_as_citier end

_the test_

require 'test_helper'

class LevelBetaThingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase def test_should_be_valid x = = "Fire" x.color = "red" assert end end

_quick patch to core_ext.rb so it doesn't cause ambiguities / doesn't try to create duplicate fields_

def create_citier_view(theclass) ... parent_columns ={ |c| c != "id" && c != "created_at" && c != "updated_at" } ... end

I really hope I'm doing something wrong; I'd love to get this working!


DouweM commented 13 years ago

The problem seems to be that your inheritance_column_name column should be named type. I know the User Guide uses inheritance_column_name, but it works for me when using type.

hidde-jan commented 12 years ago

Second problem is that you shouldn't be specifying t.timestamps in the level_beta_things table, these field are already present in the level_alpha_things table, so you do have ambiguous fields.

lulalala commented 12 years ago

Is there a way to ignore the timestamps for now? As they are from existing tables and I want to keep it in case I want to rollback.