petehamilton / citier

CITIER (Class Inheritance & Table Inheritance Embeddings for Rails) is a solution for simple Multiple Class Inheritance in Rails.
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Unable to call destroy on Citier subtype #49

Open ianpetzer opened 12 years ago

ianpetzer commented 12 years ago

When I call destroy on a book in the citier demo app, I get the following error:

undefined local variable or method `bind_values' for #ActiveRecord::Relation:0x00000100ea89f8

This appears to originate from the following method in the Relation class.

alias_method :relation_delete_all, :delete_all
def delete_all(conditions = nil)
  return relation_delete_all(conditions) if !@klass.acts_as_citier?

  return relation_delete_all(conditions) if conditions

  deleted = true
  ids = nil
  c = @klass

  bind_values.each do |bind_value|
    if bind_value[0].name == "id"
      ids = bind_value[1]
  ids ||= where_values_hash["id"] || where_values_hash[:id]
  where_hash = ids ? { :id => ids } : nil

  deleted &= c.base_class.where(where_hash).relation_delete_all
  while c.superclass != ActiveRecord::Base
    if c.const_defined?(:Writable)
      citier_debug("Deleting back up hierarchy #{c}")
      deleted &= c::Writable.where(where_hash).delete_all
    c = c.superclass

wmarbut commented 12 years ago

Jumping on this bandwagon, I get the same error when I try to delete an item.

undefined local variable or method `bind_values' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation
wmarbut commented 12 years ago

So this seems to be an issue with using older versions of rails 3. I bumped up to 3.1.3 and it works just fine.