peter-bread / peter.nvim

My Neovim Config
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Merging Test #23

Open peter-bread opened 3 weeks ago

peter-bread commented 3 weeks ago

Test out looping through files in a directory and using vim.tbl_deep_extend to merge them, e.g. some lsp configs and formatter setup (using vim.list_extend).

If this works, then I can use vim.g to store configs for plugins and also mirror the opts merging from lazy.nvim to potentially be used with vim plug.

peter-bread commented 2 weeks ago
local t1 = {
  servers = {
    lua_ls = {
      inlay_hints = true,
    vtsls = {},

local t2 = {
  servers = {
    gopls = {},
    lua_ls = {
      inlay_hints = false,

local t3 = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", t1, t2)

-- t1
  servers = {
    lua_ls = {
      inlay_hints = true
    vtsls = {}

-- t2
  servers = {
    gopls = {},
    lua_ls = {
      inlay_hints = false

-- t3
  servers = {
    gopls = {},
    lua_ls = {
      inlay_hints = false
    vtsls = {}