peter-iakovlev / Telegram

Telegram Messenger for iOS
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The user's GIF collection seems to be missing on iPad #104

Closed SebinNyshkim closed 6 years ago

SebinNyshkim commented 7 years ago

I've noticed that the button for saved GIFs is missing on the iPad in Telegram.

When going into the stickers panel on iPhone there's a GIF button to easily select any GIF you recently sent. When going into the stickers panel on iPad, there is nothing. And the @ gif inline bot doesn't provide that functionality and doesn't include user created GIFs either.

I suspect the stickers selection acts as its own in-app keyboard. Maybe the button is just missing?

seantanly commented 7 years ago


RedFoxy commented 7 years ago

Still missing...

boaerosuke commented 7 years ago

is it a bug or a feature?

RedFoxy commented 7 years ago

funny... but still missing!

kkiani commented 7 years ago

No fixes yet!! It’s very annoying!!

plusreed commented 7 years ago

I asked someone more knowledgeable about this a while ago, I got this response back:

I believe it's disabled for iPad due to iPad having a larger screen, which can show more GIFs on the screen at once. However, the iOS platform has limitations on rendering multiple videos on the screen at once.

kkiani commented 7 years ago

it’s silly way to solve this kind of problem!! because they can limit size of gif tab or stop playing all of them at once, just showing the first frame only to choose!

plusreed commented 7 years ago

I personally do agree that it seems like a lazy way of “solving” the issue. (solving in quotation marks because it’s not really a solution imho. 😕)

because they could limit size of gif tab

I personally think this could work. I don’t know the exact limitations of iOS with rendering of videos but this seems like it could work.

stop playing all of them at once, just showing the first frame only to choose!

I feel as if this wouldn’t be a great solution, some of the gifs I have look similar on the first frame. I feel as if it could cause some confusion.

The way I’m thinking is that as you scroll, past gifs will stop playing to circumvent the rendering limitations and new ones begin playing. (I’m not an iOS app developer, so I don’t know how easy/hard this would be.)

Maybe the iOS dev should comment on this. It would probably be better to tell them how we think the GIF tab should be implemented on iPad, and see if they’re interested in enabling it.

SebinNyshkim commented 7 years ago

Building upon the suggestion that all GIFs don't play all at once because of iOS limitations:

How about making the preview images bigger so that it is still is within the limitations of iOS and can still play all at once. Another way I can think of is playing each individual GIF in an enlarged view, kind of in the way that stickers enlarge when you long-press/force-press them on an iPhone.

RedFoxy commented 7 years ago

iPhone does, just give us like iPhone and not bigger, when you have a solution make it bigger, or put it with still images but put it!

plusreed commented 7 years ago

I just talked to the iOS dev, he says the GIF panel should be on the iPad in the next update.

SebinNyshkim commented 6 years ago

Still no GIF panel on iPad after update

Nemanja1024 commented 6 years ago


iluzahen commented 6 years ago


NapStudio commented 6 years ago

There is no plan to solve this?

vsg24 commented 6 years ago

To stupidity and beyond...

plusreed commented 6 years ago

Hi, it’s been a while since I commented on this issue but the GIF panel is available on the alternative Swift client, also known as Telegram X.


If you want a GIF panel on Telegram for iPad, you should try using Telegram X. It should be there.

SebinNyshkim commented 6 years ago

In a previous update to the regular Telegram Client for iOS the GIF panel was added to the iPad version. I thought devs would've closed this when they released the update, but apparently not. Weird. I'll close the issue myself.