peter-iakovlev / Telegram

Telegram Messenger for iOS
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Remove contact from telegram when i remove it from phone's contact #170

Open afarsi opened 6 years ago

afarsi commented 6 years ago

Hi. When i remove a contact from phone's contacts, that contact will remain in telegrams contacts. I think like WhatsApp, telegram should be able to sync with phone's contacts when i remove a contact. In addition, if i change phone number of a contact in phone's contacts, telegram will show name of that person two times(duplicate) and one them is with his previews phone number and one of them is with his new phone number! it's very bad. While WhatsApp can sysnc that contacts phone number with phone's contacts without creating new contact. If this is society of telegram that keep contact, you can add an option in telegram's settings for enable/disable it and users can select what they want? Sync with contacts all of the times(Like WhatsApp) or sync with phone's contact only when a new contact added to phone book(Like current status of telegram). We need this option in both Android and iOS Versions and other mobile Versions(Like: Firefox OS and Win Phone) Thanks.