peter-iakovlev / Telegram

Telegram Messenger for iOS
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The project doesn't compile in xcode 9 #181

Open Gargo opened 6 years ago

Gargo commented 6 years ago

No config file? Ok, added

.../Telegram/Telegraph/TGNavigationController.xib: Compiling IB documents for earlier than iOS 7 is no longer supported. ok fixed

I get a lot of errors again. WTF? Can't you update this repo?

denisdbv commented 6 years ago

Anybody fixed?

qinyuhang commented 6 years ago

@Gargo just checkout the xib file. U should get through the error. BUT I just experience other build error.

in Telegram/LegacyDatabase/TGSharaContextSignal.m it import a ../../config.h, but this file would be out of the Repo directory. I am confused.

lestadNew commented 6 years ago

@qinyuhang hello, you need add file config.h to directory with project, change ../../congif.h to ../config.h In config.h add #define SETUP_API_ID(apiId) apiId = API_ID;

define SETUP_API_HASH(apiHash) apiHash = @"API_HASH";

Get app_id and api_hash from telegram api(

qinyuhang commented 6 years ago

@lestadNew Thanks, I have solved it. And I am now trying to resolve iPhone X UI problem. Cherries.