peter-iakovlev / Telegram

Telegram Messenger for iOS
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'SSignalKit/SSignalKit.h' file not found #201

Open nateDevelopment opened 6 years ago

nateDevelopment commented 6 years ago

I tried to build the project with no success, first I tried this didn't work

then I tried adding the SSignalKit from github, still no success,

Any help???

SNThunderbolt commented 6 years ago

me too.

nateDevelopment commented 6 years ago

solved it:

  1. downlowd : , and place it in thirdparty/SSignalKit
  2. download : and place it in submodules/MtProtoKit
  3. create new file in the root folder called config.h in it just write :
    #define SETUP_API_ID(apiId) apiId = 'your app id(int)';

define SETUP_API_HASH(apiHash) apiHash = @"your hash(string)";

istarchenkov commented 6 years ago

you have to install git submodules $ git submodule init $ git submodule update

TimorYang commented 6 years ago

The solution:

first $ git submodule init

you need change git submodules url

  1. edit .gitmodules 2.git submodule sync

next, you need to follow orders $ git submodule update