peter-iakovlev / Telegram

Telegram Messenger for iOS
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[iOS 11] Open links directly in Safari (avoid using SFSafariViewController) to stop global fragmentation #203

Open neooleg opened 6 years ago

neooleg commented 6 years ago

Dear Team,

thank you for developing a great Telegram client! It has a pretty good UX.

However, the big thing changes since iOS 11 released tremendously affecting UX -- SFSafariViewController stops share cookie with Safari.

Could you please avoid using SFSafariViewController?

yknext commented 6 years ago

I think this protects privacy very well and I do not want Safari and the app to share cookies

neooleg commented 6 years ago

@yknext, thanks for commenting! I agree, it absolutely make sense for privacy as it was before iOS 11.

However, let's agree that there is no vulnerability if it restrict per domain only, i.e. the domain will see the only own cookies within Safari and within the app.

On other side, it will bring a better UX for user in terms of sharing session between an app browser (in particular, within Telegram) and Safari.