peter-iakovlev / Telegram

Telegram Messenger for iOS
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Telegram iOS sample code showing error #26

Open krunal7 opened 8 years ago

krunal7 commented 8 years ago

I am developing chatting application using Telegram API,

When i download telegram code from ( it is showing me error SSignalKit/SSignalKit.h and MTProtoKit/MTContext.h file not found. I found the same file over internet and added it,

But now it is showing #import "../../config.h" file not found

From where can i get this file or how do i add it Telegram sample code?

Please help and thanx in adavnce!!

scottyyih commented 8 years ago


santijdelatorre commented 8 years ago


I'm having this same problem. After clone Telegram project, the error '#import "../../config.h" file not found' appears. Please, if someone know how to solve this error, any help would be very appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

milsirhc commented 8 years ago

Hi, please check this pull request.

santijdelatorre commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much milsirhc! This solved the error!

milsirhc commented 8 years ago

No worries.

If you can, please close this issue. :)

santijdelatorre commented 8 years ago

Sorry, I can't close it. I didn't create it... :-(