peter-iakovlev / Telegram

Telegram Messenger for iOS
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Option to hide the badge count of unread messages in muted chats #31

Open tonysung opened 8 years ago

tonysung commented 8 years ago

This is already done on desktop per .

Should do the same on iOS.

z3t0 commented 7 years ago

@Gryzor The notification isn't shown in the notifications bar if muted, but it is shown in the badge count.

For example if I mute chat A but not chat B then I only see notifications for chat B in the notification bar as expected. BUT notifications from chatA still add to the badge count on the homescreen, which is unexpected.

The problem is that mobile operating systems (especially iOS) are very aggressive about allowing background processes to run which is why it would not be possible to implement a local solution. The only way to "solve" it locally is to adjust the badge count once Telegram is opened, which is not ideal as the whole point of a badge count is to get and idea of notifications without opening the app.

This isn't a problem on a desktop as it can just run its own local process instead of relying on the badge count number being sent from the server.

Gryzor commented 7 years ago

@z3t0 As an iOS/Android dev myself, I totally get what you’re saying. Until the server allows the clients to send the notification preferences per-chat, there’s nothing to do as it is.

z3t0 commented 7 years ago

This again brings up the issue of having a partially open source project...

Gryzor commented 7 years ago

@z3t0 Don’t open (no pun intended?) that can of worms ;)

bun4uk commented 7 years ago


hashier commented 7 years ago

@z3t0 @Gryzor Well that is actually not 100 % true what you are saying. The iOS app in fact has a chance to intercept notifications send to the device and modify them (since iOS 10). You are even allowed to make network requests during updating the notifications.

Prominent apps that use this are encrypted messenger apps, that send the encrypted message as a payload to the phone and the phone decrypts the message on the device, updates the notification and then displays it to the user.

Obviously it still isn't easy to go through all the muted channels, update them and then subtract that number from the badge, but it is possible.

I quickly wrote a test app, gist here

z3t0 commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the information! This looks quite promising.

kathampy commented 7 years ago


themotu commented 7 years ago

Why can't we just have a "disable badge" per channel?

dmitriyabr commented 7 years ago

Any news, guys?

z3t0 commented 7 years ago

@dmitriyabr I think it all depends on whether a dev is willing to spend the time to implement this feature since @hashier has pointed out that it should be technically possible.

ghost commented 7 years ago

So strange - i've got 5 chats, all of them were muted. But i see badge count for one of them. Hm. I tried to mute this chat from phone and from os x client - nothing changes - badge still appears.

dmitriyabr commented 7 years ago

@sacred0x01 four chats is a supergroups one is not

ghost commented 7 years ago

@dmitriyabr оh, thx a lot. I have some ideal like your, but with proof it looks better)

hexonxon commented 7 years ago


DimICE commented 7 years ago


SleepingWhale commented 7 years ago


elreymon commented 7 years ago


monomadic commented 7 years ago

How is this not a thing? Why is telegram implementing crazy video-stickers, themes, and all kinds of advanced features without a simple customisation that would actually improve our lives?

Like, I'm a telegram zealot, but honestly this one small thing is ruining my life. Dramatic, no? haha... what I mean is... some things in life should be 'pull' instead of 'push', some groups that while I love to be in, don't warrant a beep every 10 seconds interrupting my life... Having a big red badge on certain groups when I'm checking actual important messages is SOUL DRAINING... to the point that I just uninstalled telegram from everything but my backup phone so I could ignore that badge... (hopefully nothing happens to that phone because I'll be locked out of telegram thanks to its poorly-thought-out SMS root-level-verification, and I don't have SMS.. but that's a separate issue).

PLEASE implement this, it's driving me crazy.

ps. it's two months later since I did this, still only have telegram on a backup phone. I HIGHLY recommend it until this 'life experience bug' is fixed :P I have peace again

pdostal commented 7 years ago

Well, true. There're groups I want to be part of but I need to constantly scroll them to get rid of 'unread messages'.

ehsemsar commented 7 years ago


Grinv commented 7 years ago


nicolinux commented 7 years ago

I wonder how many +1 it takes for this to become a thing without some snarky dev suggesting "If you want it, do it yourself..."...

pandrez commented 7 years ago


evasyuk commented 7 years ago


YNedderhoff commented 7 years ago


f1ght4fun commented 7 years ago

is there anyone really looking at this request - it is obvious thing present on desktop app and not implemented for over a year for mobile platforms! please address it if possible!

Leukodi commented 7 years ago


monomadic commented 7 years ago

Coming soon in 2024 - introducing telegram 20.5!!! - with new snapchat filters for your dog and cat, and the ability to teleport food to your coworkers!!! But sorry we still didn't fix that major obvious notifications issue from way back in 2017. Maaaaaybe next time.

f1ght4fun commented 7 years ago

New update with photos grouping etc and still no option migrated from desktop to mobile settings which is the most commented and requested for such a long time .... unbelievable ... is there anyone alive there from a support team to reply to all these people ?

xzaleksey commented 7 years ago


timurztd commented 7 years ago


maxkolenko commented 6 years ago

+1 Please

andrey-gnl commented 6 years ago


ottodevs commented 6 years ago

Is the worst anti usability feature in this software, for the sake of god merge this PR. Has no sense to have 3000 unread notifications when I never asked nor wanted to have these notifications or even when I have those groups muted in purpose.

squaredcircle commented 6 years ago


I receive a red unread counter badge on both the Telegram iOS icon and on the “Chats” tab in the client. This number currently includes a count from muted supergroups, which it shouldn’t. Muted regular groups do not appear in the tally of the red unread counter badge. The supergroups themselves appear in client with a grey unread counter badge.

Please fix, this issue has been annoying me for well over a year.

zeonardo commented 6 years ago


jorgediaz87 commented 6 years ago


SleepingWhale commented 6 years ago

Telegram X doesn't have this problem.

f1ght4fun commented 6 years ago

@SleepingWhale indeed !!! great, tnx a lot for the suggestion!

zolotokrylin commented 6 years ago

+1 Need to move to another app, as this really makes my experience bad

realdavidvega commented 6 years ago

Totally agree.

slavikme commented 6 years ago

+1 Pretty annoying bug. As a workaround, I need constantly convince group admins to upgrade the group to supergroup for this to work.

MasoudRahmani commented 6 years ago

+1 Please hide it in ios

sergei-iurchenko commented 6 years ago


gfelipe commented 6 years ago


SanzharK commented 6 years ago

+1, please give us the option to turn the count off for muted groups

Schtolc commented 6 years ago


multeg commented 6 years ago


anisimovdk commented 6 years ago
