peter-iakovlev / Telegram

Telegram Messenger for iOS
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Punctuation at end of URL not included in link #88

Closed drewvolz closed 7 years ago

drewvolz commented 7 years ago

It appears Telegram strips out punctuation from the URL. One is unable to send the link without a URL shortening service, or further instruction on appending punctuation to the end.

Trying to send this which has a period on the end of the article name results in a page that is not found, as the URL is no longer what it needs to be.

drewvolz commented 7 years ago

Thinking more about this, you all simply use the iOS Data Detectors.

[NSDataDetector dataDetectorWithTypes:(int)(NSTextCheckingTypeLink) error:NULL];

This means it is not your issue. Wikipedia allows all valid characters in their URLs. Let's call this an Apple bug...

drewvolz commented 7 years ago