peter-iakovlev / Telegram

Telegram Messenger for iOS
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iOS client often loses messages in Supergroups #97

Open sanail opened 7 years ago

sanail commented 7 years ago

iOS client loses messages in supergroups when there are many unread messages (>200). See android and iOS clients comparison below for same supergroup. I start reading of unread messages, and since some message I understand that some messages in the middle of conversation are missed. Then I open Telegram Desktop or Telegram for android - and find there that absent messages. There is no any "loaing..." indicator, messages just absent.

iOS client: ios-client

Android client: android-client

Please fix this bug.

sanail commented 7 years ago

Reproduced again. Today I had 304 unread messages. First 130 messages are available in iOS client. Then 165 messages are absent (between 22:59 and 03:34). And then last 9 messages are available.

165 absent messages in the middle of the conversation I used to read in the Android client.

iOS 10.2, iPhone 6s if it matters.

{Removed screenshot because it's outdated and devs don't care about details.}

jennywlove commented 6 years ago

+1 While this hasn’t happened to me personally, it’s happened to a lot of people in my supergroup.

neutralinsomniac commented 6 years ago


Just wanted to chime in and say that a bunch of iOS users in a supergroup I'm in also experience this issue (myself included). Makes it really hard to have conversations

Darkguver commented 6 years ago


on IOS with a group of 71 persons

TheRijn commented 6 years ago


On a supergroup with 12 people and about 15 messages unread.

irexyc commented 6 years ago

+1 On ios 11.2, Iphone 7 Isn't is a serious bug for an IM software?

sanail commented 6 years ago

Actually reproduced in Android app too (when there are many unread messages in a chat). Only Telegram Desktop doesn't lose messages. Does any telegram developer care about this bug?