peter-lawrey-admin / Chronicle-Accelerate

HFT meets Blockchain in Java platform
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FIX gateway -> XCL Exchange - Basics #39

Open tonygonzalezuk opened 6 years ago

tonygonzalezuk commented 6 years ago

The FIX gateway should handle all order related messages:

    • New Order Single
    • Execution Report
    • Order Cancel ?
    • Order Status Request ?

The FIX gateway should store information about a NewOrderSingle and enrich the ExecutionReport on the way back.

The FIX gateway should keep track of the Client Order Id and account - a field that a user supplies.

mapping of client order id to our id (source address and eventTime ) longer term we need persistence for this

longer term, if a client disconnects , we should cancel all their orders

The FIX gateway should translate fields into the fields the XCL Exchange uses.

The XCL Exchange might needs additional fields that are needed by the FIX protocol.