peter-murray / node-hue-api

Node.js Library for interacting with the Philips Hue Bridge and Lights
Apache License 2.0
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Respect location ssdp header #52

Closed achingbrain closed 9 years ago

achingbrain commented 9 years ago

I'm writing a proxy for my hue bridge that augments it with a new non-hue networked lights - when doing discovery of hue bridges, they respond with a location header which is a URL to a description document. That document contains useful information like bridge serial number and the URLBase property.

Right now node-hue-api does a ssdp search for bridges, then requests /description.xml from port 80 of the hosts that respond to the search in order to get the bridge id - this happens to follow the hue implementation but doesn't seems to be in the spirit of the protocol - it should follow the location header instead.

So, for example, the ssdp search node-hue-api generates is:

MAN: ssdp:discover
MX: 10
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1

The response is then:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
ST: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1
USN: uuid:07a50742-5a89-4b27-9a9e-374df1191a61::urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:Basic:1
CACHE-CONTROL: max-age=100
DATE: Sat, 18 Jul 2015 11:43:43 GMT
SERVER: FreeRTOS/7.4.2 UPnP/1.0 IpBridge/1.8.0

The next request from node-hue-api should be to, instead it's to

I think this is because when makes the request to the host and then has the path to /description.xml hard coded.

As a shameless plug I've written an ssdp implementation that automagically goes off, fetches and parses the contents of the location header for you - might solve the problem..

peter-murray commented 9 years ago

I am respecting the location header being returned. The search data being returned to me from my bridge has a value of for the LOCATION value.

The point of the code that you indicate as hard coded is a direct link to the description.xml file, but is not used in the lookup from the SSDP lookups.

I had looked at your library in the past, but I wanted this library to be a small as possible, and your SSDP library includes a lot of extra dependencies that I did not want to pull in for an edge case bridge lookup that over 95% of users of the library would not need. When Hue released an update to finding of the bridges, they now have a broker service, which is the preferred discovery method.

achingbrain commented 9 years ago

I'm not sure that it is respecting the location header. Take a look at this gist.

If you run server.js, it'll open two http servers - one on port 80, one on 8080 and set up a dgram socket to respond to bridge search requests.

The dgram socket responds with LOCATION: http://localhost:8080/foo.xml in the message, so if node-hue-api respects the location header, it should make a request to port 8080 and request /foo.xml.

search.js contains the upnp example search code from the node-hue-api readme. When I run it I see:

$ sudo node server.js
Socket listening
Responding to bridge search request
Responded to bridge search request
Got request for /description.xml on port 80
$ node search.js
Hue Bridges Found: [{"id":"WRONG PORT!","ipaddress":"localhost"}]

So it's requesting http://localhost:80/description.xml even though the LOCATION header in the search response is http://localhost:8080/foo.xml.

peter-murray commented 9 years ago

Thanks for that, the penny finally dropped. I had checked that the LOCATION was being returned in the SSDP results, but of course you were right, as after that I defaulted to pulling the discovery xml via an API call, thereby not actually following the URL.

I have switched the code to issue a simplified HTTP GET on the LOCATION that is returned, which has no change on my bridge, as it is returning the value for me.

This has been released in version 1.1.1 of the library.