peter-tank / luci-app-dnscrypt-proxy2

LuCI support for dnscrypt-proxy version2
GNU General Public License v3.0
28 stars 9 forks source link

大神,更新数据库时经常失败,提示如下,请问如何解决?需要增加配置文件吗? #3

Closed jliveusa closed 4 years ago

jliveusa commented 4 years ago

dnscrypt-proxy -json --list-all > /usr/share/dnscrypt-proxy/running.json [2020-01-18 08:48:17] [FATAL] Unable to load the configuration file [dnscrypt-proxy.toml] -- Maybe use the -config command-line switch?

peter-tank commented 4 years ago

You are failed in update the nodes lists? Try the latest version, update nodes list manually not needed anymore ( Make sure wget installed /usr/bin/wget-ssl, is needed. If also fails, you should update nodes list under proxy first in the first initial.

peter-tank commented 4 years ago

You can also runs /etc/init.d/dnscrypt-proxy_resolvers public-resolvers, to manualy download and parse the public-resolvers subscripition to configure, if uci tracking fails.