peter9teufel / raspmedia

Standalone Digital Signage Player for Raspberry Pi
35 stars 11 forks source link

not an issue #5

Closed SFR75 closed 9 years ago

SFR75 commented 9 years ago

Hello Peter,

Sorry I post it here, but I can't figure out how I can contact you elsewhere. Just a quick question - I'm looking for raspberry deployment, where I can just play video by pressing an external button (via GPIO). I wonder if I can use your digital signage solution for that, or there is no such interactive feature possible ?

Sincerely Mikhail

peter9teufel commented 9 years ago

Hi Mikhail, never tried controlling stuff with buttons via GPIO, sounds like the whole digital signage solution is a bit of overkill for what you want. Maybe it would be better to google a bit how you can solve the stuff with the GPIO button, triggering a video is relatively simple by just using a script to call omxplayer.

Greets, Peter