peterbjorgensen / sved

Synctex support for Vim and Evince through DBus
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Jumps to `main.vrb` instead of `main.tex` when targeting verbatim environments #23

Open DavidCdeB opened 1 year ago

DavidCdeB commented 1 year ago

Many thanks for this software :) For quite some time, I've been finding this problem: When writing in verbatim environment, sved jumps to the main.vrb file instead of the main.tex file. Unfortunately, this means one cannot edit the targeted places. verbatim and other very useful variants from fancyvrb package (i.e. begin{Verbatim}) are very useful when writing beamer documents, for instance, for showing code snippets, which I use quite a lot. Is there a way to fix this so that it jumps to the actual .tex file ? I provide a minimal working example below. Many thanks

Minimal working example:








% \begin{Verbatim}[fontsize=\tiny,commandchars=\\\{\}] 
Some text



peterbjorgensen commented 1 year ago

I think this is a limitation in synctex, not much I can do about it.