petercunha / Pine

:evergreen_tree: Aimbot powered by real-time object detection with neural networks, GPU accelerated with Nvidia. Optimized for use with CS:GO.
MIT License
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Slowly moves to target #34

Open azalsor opened 3 years ago

azalsor commented 3 years ago

Hello, first of all great job. The project works perfectly. I am new to programming and find all this really amazing. I used this for cod warzone and it works. The only issue i have is that when it acquires the target it moves very slowly towards the target. While i am in lobby the program instantly locks on the operator i have chosen but in game it seems like it moves 2 pixels at a time. Again thank you for your time. Great project.

YADJ123 commented 3 years ago

do you have discord? id like to re train it myself but im not sure how. Eager to learn.

YADJ123 commented 3 years ago

Hello, first of all great job. The project works perfectly. I am new to programming and find all this really amazing. I used this for cod warzone and it works. The only issue i have is that when it acquires the target it moves very slowly towards the target. While i am in lobby the program instantly locks on the operator i have chosen but in game it seems like it moves 2 pixels at a time. Again thank you for your time. Great project. go to pine-master/lib/ and change these to both say cuda

load our YOLO object detector trained on COCO dataset (2 classes)

# and determine only the *output* layer names that we need from YOLO
print("[INFO] loading neural-network from disk...")
net = cv2.dnn.readNetFromDarknet(configPath, weightsPath)