peterduhon / skia-poker-morph

Trustless Tricksters: A decentralized poker game built on Morph zkEVM. Featuring secure card shuffling, Chainlink VRF for fairness, Galadriel AI agents, XMTP chat, and Web3Auth login. Experience the future of poker on the blockchain. 🃏🔐🚀
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Develop PlayerManagement smart contract #3

Open peterduhon opened 2 weeks ago

peterduhon commented 2 weeks ago

[SP-3] Develop PlayerManagement smart contract

Develop the PlayerManagement smart contract for Skia Poker, which will handle essential functions such as player registration, balance management, and payouts. The contract must be optimized for security and gas efficiency to ensure a reliable and cost-effective gaming experience.

The PlayerManagement smart contract is a crucial component of the Skia Poker platform, responsible for managing player accounts, tracking balances, and handling payouts. This task involves implementing secure and efficient methods for player registration, updating balances during and after games, and processing payouts. The contract must be thoroughly tested to ensure robustness, security, and optimal gas usage.

Acceptance Criteria:


  1. Design Contract Architecture:
    • Define State Variables: Set up state variables for storing player information, balances, and other relevant data.
    • Determine Access Control: Implement access control mechanisms (e.g., onlyOwner, onlyRegisteredPlayer) to restrict functions to authorized users.
  2. Implement Player Registration:
    • Registration Function: Develop a function to allow players to register on the platform, ensuring secure and unique player identifiers.
    • Validation: Include validation checks to prevent duplicate registrations or invalid inputs.
  3. Implement Balance Management:
    • Deposit Function: Create a function to allow players to deposit funds into their accounts, updating their balance accordingly.
    • Withdraw Function: Implement a secure withdrawal function, ensuring only the rightful owner can withdraw funds.
    • In-Game Transactions: Develop logic to update balances during games, including betting and winning payouts.
  4. Implement Payout Functions:
    • Payout Logic: Implement functions to calculate and distribute payouts based on game results, ensuring accuracy and fairness.
    • Edge Case Handling: Address edge cases, such as tie games, abandoned games, or disconnections, ensuring proper payouts in all scenarios.
  5. Optimize for Gas Efficiency:
    • Code Optimization: Review and optimize the contract code to reduce gas usage, particularly for frequently used functions like balance updates and payouts.
    • Testing Gas Costs: Measure gas costs for key functions and make necessary adjustments to improve efficiency.
  6. Security Implementation:
    • Reentrancy Guards: Implement reentrancy guards (e.g., nonReentrant modifier) to protect against reentrancy attacks.
    • Input Validation: Ensure all inputs are validated and sanitized to prevent injection attacks or other vulnerabilities.
    • Security Audits: Perform internal security audits and, if possible, involve third-party auditors for an additional layer of security.
  7. Comprehensive Testing:
    • Unit Tests: Write unit tests for each function to ensure correctness and reliability.
    • Integration Tests: Develop integration tests to simulate real-world scenarios, including registration, in-game transactions, and payouts.
    • Stress Testing: Perform stress testing to evaluate the contract’s performance under high transaction volumes and edge cases.
    • Security Testing: Test the contract for vulnerabilities, including attempts to exploit reentrancy, overflow/underflow, and unauthorized access.
  8. Documentation:
    • Contract Documentation: Document the PlayerManagement contract, including descriptions of functions, variables, and the overall architecture.
    • User Guide: Create a user guide for developers, explaining how to interact with the contract’s functions for registration, balance management, and payouts.

Priority: High

Assignee: James/Pete

Due Date: [Set a due date]


Risks and Mitigations:

peterduhon commented 2 weeks ago

Input validation and incomplete implementation. Let's break down the improvements:

Input Validation:

In the startGame() function:

I added checks to ensure the game isn't already active, there are enough players, and there's enough LINK token balance for the Chainlink VRF request.

In the manageTurn() function:

I added checks to ensure it's the correct player's turn, the player hasn't folded, the bet amount is valid, and the player has sufficient balance.

// Input Validation and Function Implementation Improvements

// 1. Input Validation

// Example: startGame function function startGame() external onlyOwner { require(!gameActive, "PokerGame: Game is already in progress"); require(playerAddresses.length >= 2, "PokerGame: Not enough players to start the game"); require(LINK.balanceOf(address(this)) >= fee, "PokerGame: Not enough LINK to request randomness");

gameActive = true;
currentPot = 0;
currentPlayerIndex = 0;
currentPhase = GamePhase.PreFlop;
communityCardCount = 0;

bytes32 requestId = requestRandomness(keyHash, fee);
pendingRequests[requestId] = true;
emit RandomnessRequested(requestId);
emit GameStarted();


// Example: manageTurn function function manageTurn(uint256 betAmount) external isGameActive isPlayer { require(msg.sender == playerAddresses[currentPlayerIndex], "PokerGame: It's not your turn to play"); require(players[msg.sender].action != PlayerAction.Fold, "PokerGame: You have already folded"); require(betAmount >= currentRound.betAmount || betAmount == 0, "PokerGame: Invalid bet amount"); require(players[msg.sender].balance >= betAmount, "PokerGame: Insufficient balance");

if (betAmount == 0) {
} else if (betAmount == currentRound.betAmount) {
} else if (betAmount > currentRound.betAmount) {
} else {
    revert("PokerGame: Invalid bet amount");

emit TurnManaged(msg.sender);


// 2. Incomplete Implementation

// Example: distributePots function function distributePots() internal { require(currentPhase == GamePhase.Showdown, "PokerGame: Cannot distribute pots before showdown");

// Distribute main pot
address[] memory mainWinners = determineWinners();
uint256 mainPotShare = mainPot / mainWinners.length;
for (uint256 i = 0; i < mainWinners.length; i++) {
    players[mainWinners[i]].balance += mainPotShare;
    emit PayoutProcessed(mainWinners[i], mainPotShare);

// Distribute side pots
for (uint256 i = 0; i < sidePots.length; i++) {
    address[] memory sideWinners = determineWinnersForSidePot(sidePots[i].eligiblePlayers);
    uint256 sidePotShare = sidePots[i].amount / sideWinners.length;
    for (uint256 j = 0; j < sideWinners.length; j++) {
        players[sideWinners[j]].balance += sidePotShare;
        emit PayoutProcessed(sideWinners[j], sidePotShare);

// Reset game state


// Helper function to reset game state after pot distribution function resetGameState() internal { gameActive = false; mainPot = 0; delete sidePots; currentPhase = GamePhase.PreFlop; communityCardCount = 0; delete communityCards;

for (uint256 i = 0; i < playerAddresses.length; i++) {
    delete players[playerAddresses[i]].hand;
    players[playerAddresses[i]].action = PlayerAction.Begin;
    players[playerAddresses[i]].isAllIn = false;

emit GameEnded();


// Additional improvements for manageTurn function fold() internal { players[msg.sender].action = PlayerAction.Fold; removePlayerFromActiveList(msg.sender); emit PlayerFolded(msg.sender);

if (getCurrentActivePlayers() == 1) {


function call() internal { uint256 callAmount = currentRound.betAmount - currentRound.playerBets[msg.sender]; require(players[msg.sender].balance >= callAmount, "PokerGame: Insufficient balance to call");

players[msg.sender].balance -= callAmount;
currentRound.playerBets[msg.sender] += callAmount;
currentRound.totalPot += callAmount;
mainPot += callAmount;

emit PlayerCalled(msg.sender, callAmount);

if (isRoundComplete()) {


function raise(uint256 amount) internal { require(amount > currentRound.betAmount, "PokerGame: Raise amount must be higher than current bet"); uint256 raiseAmount = amount - currentRound.playerBets[msg.sender]; require(players[msg.sender].balance >= raiseAmount, "PokerGame: Insufficient balance to raise");

players[msg.sender].balance -= raiseAmount;
currentRound.playerBets[msg.sender] += raiseAmount;
currentRound.totalPot += raiseAmount;
currentRound.betAmount = amount;
mainPot += raiseAmount;

emit PlayerRaised(msg.sender, raiseAmount);



function getCurrentActivePlayers() internal view returns (uint256) { uint256 activePlayers = 0; for (uint256 i = 0; i < playerAddresses.length; i++) { if (players[playerAddresses[i]].action != PlayerAction.Fold) { activePlayers++; } } return activePlayers; }

function getLastActivePlayer() internal view returns (address) { for (uint256 i = 0; i < playerAddresses.length; i++) { if (players[playerAddresses[i]].action != PlayerAction.Fold) { return playerAddresses[i]; } } revert("PokerGame: No active players found"); }

function isRoundComplete() internal view returns (bool) { for (uint256 i = 0; i < playerAddresses.length; i++) { if (players[playerAddresses[i]].action != PlayerAction.Fold && currentRound.playerBets[playerAddresses[i]] < currentRound.betAmount) { return false; } } return true; }

function resetPlayersActed() internal { for (uint256 i = 0; i < playerAddresses.length; i++) { if (players[playerAddresses[i]].action != PlayerAction.Fold) { players[playerAddresses[i]].action = PlayerAction.Begin; } } }

peterduhon commented 1 week ago
  1. Integration of Contracts:

In the GameManagement contract, add:

import "./HandEvaluator.sol";
import "./UserManagement.sol";

contract GameManagement is Ownable, AccessControl {
    HandEvaluator public handEvaluator;
    UserManagement public userManagement;

    constructor(address _handEvaluator, address _userManagement) {
        handEvaluator = HandEvaluator(_handEvaluator);
        userManagement = UserManagement(_userManagement);

    function createGameRoom(uint256 _buyInAmount, uint256 _maxPlayers) external onlyRole(ADMIN_ROLE) {
        // ... existing code ...

        // Initialize game in HandEvaluator
        handEvaluator.initializeGame(gameId, _buyInAmount, _maxPlayers);

    function startGame(uint256 _gameId) external onlyRole(ADMIN_ROLE) {
        require(gameRooms[_gameId].status == GameStatus.Waiting, "Game not in waiting state");
        gameRooms[_gameId].status = GameStatus.Active;
  1. Consistent Player Management:

In the HandEvaluator contract, modify the betting functions to update balances in UserManagement:

import "./UserManagement.sol";

contract HandEvaluator is VRFConsumerBase, Ownable, ReentrancyGuard {
    UserManagement public userManagement;

    constructor(address _userManagement, /* other parameters */) {
        userManagement = UserManagement(_userManagement);

    function placeBet(uint256 amount) public isGameActive isPlayer {
        require(amount >= currentRound.betAmount, "PokerGame: Bet amount too low");
        require(userManagement.getUserBalance(msg.sender) >= amount, "PokerGame: Insufficient balance");

        userManagement.updateBalance(msg.sender, -int256(amount));
        currentRound.playerBets[msg.sender] += amount;
        currentRound.totalPot += amount;

        emit PlayerBetPlaced(msg.sender, amount);

    function distributePots() internal {
        // ... existing code ...

        for (uint256 i = 0; i < mainWinners.length; i++) {
            userManagement.updateBalance(mainWinners[i], int256(mainPotShare));
            emit PayoutProcessed(mainWinners[i], mainPotShare);

        // ... handle side pots ...

@JW-dev0505 Game variables, pls update your contract! thank you!

peterduhon commented 1 week ago
## Unit Tests for Skia Poker Contracts

### Setup Instructions

1. **Install Necessary Dependencies:**

   Open your terminal and run the following command to install the required dependencies for Hardhat, Ethers.js, Waffle, and Chai:

   npm install --save-dev @nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers ethers @nomiclabs/hardhat-waffle ethereum-waffle chai
  1. Create the Test File:

    In your project's test directory, create a new file named skia-poker.test.js and add the following content:

    const { expect } = require("chai");
    const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
    describe("Skia Poker", function () {
     let GameManagement, RoomManagement, UserManagement, BettingAndPotManagement;
     let gameManagement, roomManagement, userManagement, bettingAndPotManagement;
     let owner, addr1, addr2;
     beforeEach(async function () {
       // Get the ContractFactory and Signers here.
       GameManagement = await ethers.getContractFactory("GameManagement");
       RoomManagement = await ethers.getContractFactory("RoomManagement");
       UserManagement = await ethers.getContractFactory("UserManagement");
       BettingAndPotManagement = await ethers.getContractFactory("BettingAndPotManagement");
       [owner, addr1, addr2] = await ethers.getSigners();
       // Deploy the contracts
       gameManagement = await GameManagement.deploy();
       roomManagement = await RoomManagement.deploy();
       userManagement = await UserManagement.deploy();
       bettingAndPotManagement = await BettingAndPotManagement.deploy(
         1, // roomId
         ethers.constants.AddressZero, // cardManagementAddress (replace with actual address)
         ethers.utils.parseEther("0.1"), // minimumBet
         ethers.constants.AddressZero, // vrfCoordinator (replace with actual address)
         ethers.constants.AddressZero, // linkToken (replace with actual address)
         ethers.utils.formatBytes32String("keyhash"), // keyHash
         ethers.utils.parseEther("0.1") // fee
       // Grant necessary roles
       await gameManagement.grantAdminRole(owner.address);
       await userManagement.grantGameContractRole(bettingAndPotManagement.address);
     describe("GameManagement", function () {
       it("Should create a game room", async function () {
         await gameManagement.createGameRoom(ethers.utils.parseEther("1"), 6);
         const gameRoom = await gameManagement.getGameRoom(0);
     describe("RoomManagement", function () {
       it("Should create a room", async function () {
         await roomManagement.createRoom(1, ethers.utils.parseEther("1"));
         const buyInAmount = await roomManagement.getBuyInAmount(1);
     describe("UserManagement", function () {
       it("Should register a user", async function () {
         await userManagement.connect(addr1).registerUser("Player1", { value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1") });
         const balance = await userManagement.getUserBalance(addr1.address);
     describe("BettingAndPotManagement", function () {
       it("Should allow a player to join the game", async function () {
         await userManagement.connect(addr1).registerUser("Player1", { value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1") });
         await bettingAndPotManagement.connect(addr1).joinGame({ value: ethers.utils.parseEther("1") });
         const players = await bettingAndPotManagement.getPlayers();

Configuration for Hardhat

Ensure that your hardhat.config.js file is correctly set up for the Holesky testnet. Here is an example configuration:


module.exports = {
  solidity: "0.8.19",
  networks: {
    holesky: {
      url: "", // Replace with the actual Morph RPC URL for Holesky
      accounts: [process.env.PRIVATE_KEY], // Replace with your account's private key

Running the Tests

To run the tests on the Holesky testnet, execute the following command in your terminal:

npx hardhat test --network holesky

Additional Notes

These tests cover basic functionality such as creating game rooms, registering users, and joining games. Adjust the tests according to the specific implementations of your contracts and any additional features.

Security Reminder: Always use test accounts and test tokens when working with testnets. Never use real funds or private keys associated with real funds when testing.
