petergoldstein / dalli

High performance memcached client for Ruby
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Still getting "key too long" with 2.0.5 #218

Closed purcell closed 12 years ago

purcell commented 12 years ago

I just updated to 2.0.5 from 2.0.4, and started getting these errors:

key too long "ltts:views/"
 dalli (2.0.5) lib/dalli/client.rb:260:in `validate_key'

Looking through the changelog for 2.0.5, I see that this is exactly one of problems that was fixed (see #202, #209, #212), so I'm confused.

Sure enough, the ltts: namespace prefix is tipping the key length over the 250 char limit:

 => 255

The code which triggers the error is an invocation of the standard Rails cache helper function, with the key passed a hash of strings.

Am I missing something?

(P.S. Thanks so much for Dalli - I've been delighted with it since adopting it right after its initial release.)

purcell commented 12 years ago

And just to clarify, I'm on version 3.2.3 of Rails / ActionPack / ActionSupport.

jocubeit commented 12 years ago

I'm having the same issue.

ArgumentError (key too long "sessions:BAh7CEkiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFRkkiJWVmOTlmODIyMzM2ZTQ1NWJjMTFkYTA1Yzg4YjMwMGY5BjsAVEkiEF9jc3JmX3Rva2VuBjsARkkiMXNXVWJOaXBubHRtdnFXMi9kOVFrQTA0VE1aZG9MelBFUVNPUlhNbTdkUFE9BjsARkkiEHJldHVybl9wYXRoBjsARiIRL3Blcm1pc3Npb25z--bfc2d389f73b959a86257792bb2c43f9f1eabbb4")

Same Rails 3.2.3, Ruby 1.9.3p194, memcached 1.4.13. Trying to use dalli_store for session_store and cache_store.

purcell commented 12 years ago

Just double-checked: I was on Dalli 2.0.3 before the update (not 2.0.4 as previously stated).

jocubeit commented 12 years ago

Ok, managed to get it working... unsure what I did that made it work though, here's my config:

# config/environment/development.rb
config.cache_store = :dalli_store #, 'localhost:11211'
config.perform_caching = true
# config/initializers/session_store.rb
require 'action_dispatch/middleware/session/dalli_store'
Security::Application.config.session_store :dalli_store #, 'localhost:11211'

I followed the wiki to set it up ( However, I had to remove the server address, got the following error:

/Users/Dom/.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/dalli-2.0.5/lib/action_dispatch/middleware/session/dalli_store.rb:11:in `[]': can't convert Symbol into Integer (TypeError)

Also shortened my config.secret_token in config/initializers/secret_token.rb to 30 characters, not sure if this contributed to it working.

purcell commented 12 years ago

Still getting this with Rails 3.2.6:

A ActionView::Template::Error occurred in news_items#show:

 key too long "ltts:views/"
 dalli (2.0.5) lib/dalli/client.rb:260:in `validate_key'

dalli (2.0.5) lib/dalli/client.rb:260:in `validate_key'
 dalli (2.0.5) lib/dalli/client.rb:246:in `perform'
 dalli (2.0.5) lib/dalli/client.rb:48:in `get'
 (eval):7:in `block in get_with_newrelic_trace'
 newrelic_rpm (3.3.5) lib/new_relic/agent/method_tracer.rb:242:in `trace_execution_scoped'
 (eval):4:in `get_with_newrelic_trace'
 dalli (2.0.5) lib/active_support/cache/dalli_store.rb:182:in `read_entry'
 dalli (2.0.5) lib/active_support/cache/dalli_store.rb:79:in `block in read'
 dalli (2.0.5) lib/active_support/cache/dalli_store.rb:248:in `instrument'
 dalli (2.0.5) lib/active_support/cache/dalli_store.rb:78:in `read'
 actionpack (3.2.6) lib/action_controller/caching/fragments.rb:75:in `block in read_fragment'
 actionpack (3.2.6) lib/action_controller/caching/fragments.rb:123:in `block in instrument_fragment_cache'
 activesupport (3.2.6) lib/active_support/notifications.rb:123:in `block in instrument'
 activesupport (3.2.6) lib/active_support/notifications/instrumenter.rb:20:in `instrument'
 activesupport (3.2.6) lib/active_support/notifications.rb:123:in `instrument'
 actionpack (3.2.6) lib/action_controller/caching/fragments.rb:123:in `instrument_fragment_cache'
 actionpack (3.2.6) lib/action_controller/caching/fragments.rb:74:in `read_fragment'
 actionpack (3.2.6) lib/action_view/helpers/cache_helper.rb:47:in `fragment_for'
 haml (3.1.6) lib/haml/helpers/action_view_mods.rb:200:in `fragment_for_with_haml'
 actionpack (3.2.6) lib/action_view/helpers/cache_helper.rb:36:in `cache'

(As before, this is with a hash passed as the key to cache.)


purcell commented 12 years ago

Seems to be fixed in 2.1.0 -- thanks!