petergridge / Irrigation-V5

Irrigation custom component for Home Assistant
GNU General Public License v3.0
59 stars 11 forks source link

feature request : support valve entity #68

Open Yogui79 opened 1 month ago

Yogui79 commented 1 month ago

Hello, thank you for the job you do for this integration/ I will be nice it also support the Entity valve added in HA 2024.1 ( additionaly to the entity switch for the solenoid

regards yogui

petergridge commented 1 month ago

Hi, To clarify the requirement, you want to be able to define a valve instead of a switch when configuring the component?

I do not have any devices that are presented as a valve, but assuming the, valve.close services are the equivalent of switch.on and services then it should not be a huge problem, it would be even better if they responded to the switch commands the change would then be very simple.

I will need to understand the set to position requirement if that is needed. What device do you use that is a valve?

Yogui79 commented 1 month ago

Hello thank you for your anwer yes It will be fine to also be able to define a valve instead of a switch.

I have a self made (ESP32 + relay) MQTT node . onestly it's not 100% necessary to have this feature. it's more a nice to have feature regards yogui