peterheinrich / InternetOverSpaghetti

Transmitting IP packages over a pair of spaghetti thus demonstrating how media independent IP really is.
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Issue with Spaghetti Transmission Medium - Al Dente Required for Optimal Data Flow #1

Open Swwils opened 6 months ago

Swwils commented 6 months ago

I've encountered a rather perplexing issue, it appears that the integrity of our spaghetti-based transmission medium is directly correlated with its cooking time. As a firm believer in al dente pasta, I never imagined this preference would extend to networking protocols.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that undercooked spaghetti doesn't provide the necessary firmness for optimal signal integrity. Overcooked spaghetti, meanwhile, tends to get mushy, absorbing more data packets than it transmits.

Proposed Solution: I propose we standardize the spaghetti cooking time to achieve an "al dente" state, ensuring a firm yet flexible data pathway. This might involve integrating a pasta timer into our setup or collaborating with Italian chefs for expert guidance.

Additional Notes: While some might argue that using linguine or fettuccine could offer a wider bandwidth, I firmly believe in spaghetti's potential. After all, it's not about the size of the noodle but the consistency of the cook.

Bon Appétit

quite commented 6 months ago

I came here to ask whether the spaghetti needed any preparation at all (saw nothing in the README). So, al dente it is then!