peterhinch / micropython-font-to-py

A Python 3 utility to convert fonts to Python source capable of being frozen as bytecode
MIT License
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Closed brylka787 closed 9 months ago

brylka787 commented 10 months ago

Hi Peter, i am new to micropython on the pi pico. I don't understand "".

Create a display instance

verbose = False to suppress console output

and "" else: # I2C


     #3v3 Vin
     # Gnd Gnd
     # Y9 CLK
     # Y10 DATA
     if soft:
         pscl = machine.Pin('Y9', machine.Pin.OPEN_DRAIN)
         psda = machine.Pin('Y10', machine.Pin.OPEN_DRAIN)
         i2c = machine.I2C(scl=pscl, sda=psda)
         i2c = machine.I2C(2)
     ssd = SSD1306_I2C(WIDTH, HEIGHT, i2c)

I use I2C and what is if soft: I can't get "" to work. Nothing on display. in Peter

peterhinch commented 10 months ago

You'll need to edit to match the electrical connections to the SSD1306 display. Existing pin numbers are for the Pybord.

brylka787 commented 10 months ago

Hi Peter, for the Raspberry Pi Pico I have if soft: pscl = machine.Pin((1), machine.Pin.OPEN_DRAIN) psda = machine.Pin((0), machine.Pin.OPEN_DRAIN) i2c = machine.I2C(scl=pscl, sda=psda) otherwise: registered. but other users use: i2c = I2C(0,scl=pin(1), sda=pin(0))

Can you use for the Raspberry Pi Pico not use at all


peterhinch commented 10 months ago

Hardware I2C(0) on the Pico uses GPIO9 (SCL) and GPIO8 (SDA) - alternatively GPIO17 (SCL) and GPIO16 (SDA).

from machine import Pin, I2C
i2c = I2C(0, scl = Pin(9), sda = Pin(8))

You need to specify the pins because the Pico has two alternative pinouts for I2C(0). [EDIT] Also note that internal pullups are too weak for I2C. If your display does not have them fitted, you need two external resistors from SCL-3.3V and from SDA-3.3V. These should be in the range 1-10KΩ - I normally use 4.7KΩ.

brylka787 commented 10 months ago

Hi Peter,

Thanks again for the info with pull-up resistors. and the multiple assignments of the pins for the I2c bus. At the Pico.

I'm a Python beginner and was fascinated by the module

with the transfer of the parameters for the definition from the program.

and return with return.

But I still don't understand what that means.

verbose = False to suppress console output


Is that from if verbose: print('Orientation: {} Reversal: {}'.format('horiz' \ if font.hmap() else 'vert', font.reverse()))

from and how to change.


peterhinch commented 10 months ago

You pass the verbose flag as an optional third argument to the Writer constructor. To suppress console oututput, pass False:

wri = Writer(ssd, freesans20, False)
brylka787 commented 10 months ago

Hi Peter,

Thanks, Now I'm slowly beginning to understand how to pass parameters to functions and modules. And get it back too.

But I'm still looking for a solution to this SSD1306 .96 inch display the representation of cyrillic characters. I can already use -x -l255. But which .TTF file can I take


peterhinch commented 10 months ago

I'm not sure what the problem is. There is an example in the docs for creating a font with Cyrillic characters. Clearly the TTF file must include these - to check this you could try using the TTF font on a PC before converting it.

brylka787 commented 9 months ago

Hi Peter,

that was a bit misleading.

I didn't know at first. Where can I get a Cyrillic TTF file. And I needed a Serbian character TTF.

But I found the TTF on the internet.

And I transferred the file to a .py with -x.

I can now use the Serbian alphabet on the display.

Works flawlessly.

Thank you very much again for all the information.

greeting Peter from Bamberg in Germany.

peterhinch commented 9 months ago

I'm glad it's working. I'm afraid I'm not much help on non-English character sets - the input on those has come from other contributors.

brylka787 commented 8 months ago

Hi Peter,

Thanks again for the advice back then. All problems are solved. But I have a new problem. I have a new display: 1.77" TFT LCD SPI and use the module for this:

from ili934xnew import ILI9341, color565 and import tt14 import tt24

German umlauts are not included in tt14 and tt24. But I need umlauts.

tt14 and tt24 are included

Code generated by

Font: CM Sans Serif 2012.ttf

version = '0.2' created. I got these from:

my self-created fonts are with:

Code generated by

Font: arial.ttf

Cmd: -x -l255 arial.ttf 16

version = '0.33' created.

When I use mine, I get the following error with display.set_font(arial16255):

Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 60, in File "", line 318, in print AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'get_width'

line 60 is display.print("Ä Ö Ü") line 318 is if curx + self._font.get_width(word) >= self.width:

In my is there end:

_mvfont = memoryview(_font) _mvsp = memoryview(_sparse) ifb = lambda l : l[0] | (l[1] << 8)

def bs(lst, val): whileTrue: m = (len(lst) & ~ 7) >> 1 v = ifb(lst[m:]) if v == val: return ifb(lst[m + 2:]) if not m: return 0 lst = lst[m:] if v < val else lst[:m]

def get_ch(ch): doff = bs(_mvsp, ord(ch)) << 3 width = ifb(_mvfont[doff : ])

 next_offs = doff + 2 + ((width - 1)//8 + 1) * 16
 return _mvfont[doff + 2:next_offs], 16, width

So the get_width(s): from is missing.

How can I create a working


brylka787 commented 8 months ago

Hi Peter,

I was too impatient again. !!!

I have the:

from the website:

taken and with

python -l255 arial.ttf 16

created. Important: without -x for the application

And I have German umlauts.

P.S. I will still test -c and -k.


peterhinch commented 8 months ago

The version of on that website is six years old. A lot has been done in that time :)

You might also be interested in this ili9341 driver: with that you can run nano-gui or micro-gui on these displays. Note that my recommendation of -x applies only to my display drivers. Others may well be written for vertical mapping.