peterhinch / micropython-font-to-py

A Python 3 utility to convert fonts to Python source capable of being frozen as bytecode
MIT License
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Color of txt #60

Closed d3monlalov closed 2 months ago

d3monlalov commented 3 months ago

Hi! Im trying to use your driver for TFT ST7735 LCD and ESR32-Wroom. All right, but i dont understand how I can to change a color of text in printstring function My code below `from machine import Pin, I2C,SPI from ina219 import INA219 from logging import INFO from ST7735 import TFT from font import terminalfont import time from framebuf import FrameBuffer, RGB565 from writer import Writer import freesans20 import courier20

buf = bytearray(1601282) fb = FrameBuffer(buf, 160, 128, RGB565)

spi = SPI(2, baudrate=30000000, polarity=0, phase=0, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(23), miso=Pin(12)) tft=TFT(spi,2,4,5) tft.initr() tft.rgb(True) tft._setwindowloc((0,0),(159,127)) tft.rotation(1) tft.fill(TFT.BLACK)

i2c = I2C(1, scl = Pin(22), sda = Pin(21))

def init_ina(): SHUNT_OHMS = 0.1 global ina ina = INA219(SHUNT_OHMS, i2c)#, log_level=INFO) ina.configure()

def i2c_scan():

print('Scan i2c bus...')
devices = i2c.scan()
if len(devices) == 0:
  print("No i2c device !")
  print('i2c devices found:',len(devices))
for device in devices:  
    print("Decimal address: ",device," | Hexa address: ",hex(device))

init_ina() i2c_scan() old_voltage = 0 old_time = 0

class NotionalDisplay(FrameBuffer): def init(self, width, height, buffer): self.width = width self.height = height self.buffer = buffer self.mode = RGB565 super().init(self.buffer, self.width, self.height, self.mode)

def show(self):

my_display = NotionalDisplay(160, 128, fb) wri = Writer(my_display, freesans20)

while True: new_time = time.ticks_ms() new_voltage = ina.voltage() if (new_time - old_time) >1000 or abs(new_voltage-old_voltage)>0.05: fb.fill(0x0000) fgcolor = 56 Writer.set_textpos(my_display, 20, 10) Writer.setcolor() wri.printstring("{0:.3f}".format(new_voltage))


    old_voltage = new_voltage
    old_time = new_time
peterhinch commented 2 months ago

For color you need to use the CWriter class - Writer is for monochrome displays. CWriter is documented here with a usage example.

An alternative approach is to use nan-gui which uses a Label class to provide for text objects whose contents and colors may be dynamically updated..

d3monlalov commented 2 months ago

Thanks, all ok with СWriter, I have a good result!!! Some problems left with setup color because it value is not answer RGB565 format, but it's not so important for me

d3monlalov commented 2 months ago

For color you need to use the CWriter class - Writer is for monochrome displays. CWriter is documented here with a usage example.

An alternative approach is to use nan-gui which uses a Label class to provide for text objects whose contents and colors may be dynamically updated..

Im just read documentation about CWriter and begin understand what I did wrong with color settings, thanks