peterhinch / micropython-samples

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all packages throw 403 error #27

Closed robvoi closed 2 years ago

robvoi commented 2 years ago

I can't install any micropython package. All packages throw an error 403. The json in the pypi URL exists. I have no idea on where to start searching. Can someone maybe point me to the right direction? Thanks!

python3 -m micropip install micropython-rosserial

results in:

Installing to: /home/robo/Downloads/ Queue: ['micropython-rosserial'] Warning: SSL certificate is not validated Error installing 'micropython-rosserial': b'403', packages may be partially installed

peterhinch commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure either. My test script works:

$ install -p ~/rats micropython-copy
Installing to: /home/adminpete/rats/
Warning: SSL certificate is not validated
Installing micropython-copy 3.3.3.post2 from
[adminpete@capybara]: /mnt/qnap2/data/Projects/MicroPython/micropython-samples/micropip
$ cd
[adminpete@capybara]: ~
$ cd rats/
[adminpete@capybara]: ~/rats
$ ll
total 12
-rw-rw-r-- 1 adminpete adminpete 8859 Jan 29 10:19

The script is a port of the official so I attempted to install your package to an ESP8266 using upip. This failed:

>>> upip.install("micropython-rosserial")
Installing to: /lib/
Warning: SSL certificate is not validated
Installing micropython-rosserial 0.2.8 from
Error installing 'micropython-rosserial': [Errno 22] EINVAL, packages may be partially installed

I then went on to install "mcropython-copy" and to check the outcome of both installs.

>>> upip.install("micropython-copy")
Installing to: /lib/
Installing micropython-copy 3.3.3.post2 from
/home/adminpete/Downloads> ls /pyboard/lib/

So it correctly installed but did nothing with micropython-rosserial.

This suggests that either there is a problem with the package, or there is a bug or limitation in upip. I am not knowledgeable about pypi: if you are convinced that the package is valid, it might be best to raise an issue against upip and I will port any changes the maintainers make to micropip.

Sorry I can't offer anything more authoritative.

robvoi commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the swift reply and your time for testing it. I found your script as it woks for the pi pico which doesn't have wifi. That's why I got stuck with upip and hoped to have a solution with your script.

peterhinch commented 2 years ago

It is possible to run official upip under the Unix build of MicroPython, but on the basis of my test this won't fix your problem. You might ask in the forum: maybe someone will have an idea of why upip can't access that repository.

However, as a straight port of upip, I will only implement changes to micropip in response to improvements in upip.

peterhinch commented 2 years ago

I have updated the micropip README to explain this issue.