peterjaap / magerun-addons

Addon modules for n98-magerun
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Add support for other than default SSH Ports #2

Closed ottonet closed 9 years ago

ottonet commented 9 years ago

I run SSH on other then default Port. I assume others are doing this as well. You might want to add support for this.

I changed line 65 of SyncCommand.php as follows:

$exec = 'rsync -avz -e "ssh -p ' . $values['port'] . '" --ignore-existing --exclude=*cache* ' . $values['username'] . '@' . $values['host'] . ':' . $values['path'] . DS . 'media ' . $this->getApplication()->getMagentoRootFolder();

And added xxxx to my local.xml. Works great. But to be portable it needs support for a default value as well.

peterjaap commented 9 years ago

Included! Thanks!