I would like to have a command that fingerprints an extension. With that I mean a quick overview of functionality given by the extension and how it achieves that.
List of all files
Summary of;
Codepool, version (check against hypernode:modules:list-updates to see whether it is the latest version), package name, module name, depends
Block classes, model classes, helper classes, etc
The database schema changes it does
Layout updates (which handles does it touch, which static files are added, etc)
Event observers
Which config options does it set (config.xml default node)
Which config options are configurable (system.xml)
Old admin routing warning
Maybe we could test if the user running the command has Judge (or similar) installed. Or run the extension name through Triplecheck.io to check the quality of the extension.
I would like to have a command that fingerprints an extension. With that I mean a quick overview of functionality given by the extension and how it achieves that.
to see whether it is the latest version), package name, module name, dependsMaybe we could test if the user running the command has Judge (or similar) installed. Or run the extension name through Triplecheck.io to check the quality of the extension.