peterjc / thapbi-pict

Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Initiative - Phytophthora ITS1 Classifier Tool
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Notes on GSC MIxS miscellaneous natural or artificial environment #354

Open peterjc opened 3 years ago

peterjc commented 3 years ago

277 added the thapbi_pict ena-submit command for use with the TSV template for mapping your FASTQ files to your samples. Prior to that you must define the samples, and ideally follow one of the metadata sample checklists:

Right now for our samples which are a mix of water, soil and plant derived, I am leaning to ERC000025 GSC MIxS miscellaneous natural or artificial environment:

This has 11 mandatory fields, first these non-sample terms:

And then under collection event information:

peterjc commented 3 years ago

Using ERC000020 GSC MIxS plant associated would have the same mandatory fields.

peterjc commented 3 years ago

Sadly from skimming ENA entries using ERC000025, the three environment fields are something of a mixed bag. The good news is we can probably just put something generic there a more precise term can't be found.