peterkimzz / aws-ssm-send-command

Github Actions for using AWS SSM Send-Command
MIT License
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InvalidInstanceId: null #4

Closed kellym closed 4 years ago

kellym commented 4 years ago

No matter how I configure my instance ID, I always get this error from the AWS library.

            throw err;

InvalidInstanceId: null

I've looked through the code and I'm not quite certain why it's not sending my instance ids. It appears it should. Any ideas? I'm on 1.0.1.

kellym commented 4 years ago

User error. Resolved. :-) This was misconfigured in AWS.

peterkimzz commented 4 years ago

Hi, kellym.

Some users have asked me the same issue with the User Error, but I haven't figured out the exact cause yet. If you resolved the issue, could you please tell me what the problem was?

I'd appreciate your reply. Then I could update the read me file.

kellym commented 4 years ago

It was a lack of configuring my machine in AWS to support AWS Systems Manager. Essentially, the instance ID wasn't a valid instance to handle messages. Once I set up the proper IAM accounts and roles, it worked perfectly.

peterkimzz commented 4 years ago

Very helpful, thank you. :)