peterlazzarino / react-vr-geolocate

Show geo-location data in VR on a 3D representation of the earth.
Apache License 2.0
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Texture distortion at poles #2

Open brianchirls opened 6 years ago

brianchirls commented 6 years ago

I recommend setting your texture to use anisotropic filtering on your texture. It will make the poles look much nicer. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this in react-vr, and I can't find anything in the documentation about it, but it is possible in three.js.

An even better solution would be to use a cube texture, since anisotropy isn't available on about a third of phones.

peterlazzarino commented 6 years ago

@brianchirls I'm going to look into this, thanks. This is possible with reactvr by creating a native threeJS component that uses the materials and filtering. Looks like it'll make a big difference.