petermckeeverPerform / themepy

An open source theme selector for matplotlib
MIT License
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add add_theme() to save a themes non-default rcParams to themes/theme_name.txt #9

Closed znstrider closed 3 years ago

znstrider commented 3 years ago

This PR adds the function add_theme() to to save a themes rcParams that differ from the matplotlib default rcParams to themes/theme_name.txt locally.

To do this, this PR also adds the function set_updated_rcparams to It iters through the current rcParams, compares them to the default values, and stores the non-default values in theme.updated_params.

This allows us to easily save, share and reuse themes.

I hope this matches the intention you had for this function in the ToDo list, but feel free to correct me if I misunderstood this. On second thought I wonder whether those functions would better belong in set_theme?

theme = themepy.Theme()

# set a theme with
# theme.set_theme(theme_name)
# set rcParams with
# theme.set_pips().set_spines() etc.
# or with
# mpl.rcParams[param] = value

# When happy with the theme, save it for future use.

An example of a saved theme by calling add_theme() looks like this:

{'axes.edgecolor': '#969696', 'axes.facecolor': '#282c34', 'axes.grid': True, 'axes.labelcolor': '#f0f0f0', 'axes.labelsize': 12.0, 'axes.spines.bottom': False, 'axes.spines.left': False, 'axes.spines.right': False, '': False, 'axes.titlecolor': '#f0f0f0', 'figure.edgecolor': '#252526', 'figure.facecolor': '#252526', 'grid.color': '#737373', 'grid.linewidth': 0.5, 'legend.edgecolor': '#252526', 'legend.facecolor': '#252526', 'legend.frameon': False, 'savefig.bbox': 'tight', 'savefig.edgecolor': '#252526', 'savefig.facecolor': '#252526', 'text.color': 'w', 'xtick.color': '#969696', 'xtick.labelsize': 10.0, 'ytick.color': '#969696', 'ytick.labelsize': 10.0, 'cycler-prop-cycles': ['#aaff17', '#ffaa00', '#00e5ff', '#fc68af', '#fbff00', '#ff2b2b', '#0077ff', '#d000ff', '#00eb1b']}