Open Dionysios opened 9 years ago
i have the same problem
Any solutions? I would love to use this plugin for a new project I have coming up but if this isn't working its a bit of a deal breaker for me.
i got a notification when app is colsed today but still testing I have de.appplant.cordova.plugin.local-notification and com.unarin.cordova.beacon installed looks like this var app = (function() { // Application object. var app = {};
// Specify your beacon UUIDs here.
var regions =
// Estimote Beacon factory UUID.
// Dictionary of beacons.
var beacons = {};
// Timer that displays list of beacons.
var updateTimer = null;
app.initialize = function()
document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady()
// Specify a shortcut for the location manager holding the iBeacon functions.
window.locationManager = cordova.plugins.locationManager;
// Start tracking beacons!
// Display refresh timer.
//updateTimer = setInterval(displayBeaconList, 500);
function startMonitoring()
//window.plugin.notification.local.add({ message: 'startScanForBeacons' });
var createLocalNotification = function (message) {
title: 'iBeacon',
message: message
// The delegate object holds the iBeacon callback functions
// specified below.
var delegate = new locationManager.Delegate();
// Called continuously when ranging beacons.
/*delegate.didRangeBeaconsInRegion = function(pluginResult)
//console.log('didRangeBeaconsInRegion: ' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult))
for (var i in pluginResult.beacons)
// Insert beacon into table of found beacons.
var beacon = pluginResult.beacons[i];
beacon.timeStamp =;
var key = beacon.uuid + ':' + beacon.major + ':' + beacon.minor;
beacons[key] = beacon;
// Called when starting to monitor a region.
// (Not used in this example, included as a reference.)
delegate.didStartMonitoringForRegion = function(pluginResult)
//createLocalNotification('[DOM] didStartMonitoringForRegion: ' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult));
//console.log('didStartMonitoringForRegion:' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult))
// Called when monitoring and the state of a region changes.
// (Not used in this example, included as a reference.)
delegate.didDetermineStateForRegion = function(pluginResult)
//createLocalNotification('didDetermineStateForRegion: ' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult));
//alert('didDetermineStateForRegion: ' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult))
delegate.didExitRegion = function(pluginResult) {
//createLocalNotification('didExitRegion: ' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult));
delegate.didEnterRegion = function(pluginResult) {
createLocalNotification('didEnterRegion: ' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult))
// Set the delegate object to use.
// Request permission from user to access location info.
// This is needed on iOS 8.
// Start monitoring and ranging beacons.
//for (var i in regions)
var uuid = 'xxx';
var identifier = 'Startbeacon';
var major= 'xxx';
var minor = 'xxx';
var beaconRegion = new locationManager.BeaconRegion(uuid,identifier,major,minor);
// Start ranging.
// Start monitoring.
// (Not used in this example, included as a reference.)
function displayBeaconList()
// Clear beacon list.
var timeNow =;
// Update beacon list.
$.each(beacons, function(key, beacon)
// Only show beacons that are updated during the last 60 seconds.
if (beacon.timeStamp + 60000 > timeNow)
// Map the RSSI value to a width in percent for the indicator.
var rssiWidth = 1; // Used when RSSI is zero or greater.
if (beacon.rssi < -100) { rssiWidth = 100; }
else if (beacon.rssi < 0) { rssiWidth = 100 + beacon.rssi; }
// Create tag to display beacon data.
var element = $(
+ '<strong>UUID: ' + beacon.uuid + '</strong><br />'
+ 'Major: ' + beacon.major + '<br />'
+ 'Minor: ' + beacon.minor + '<br />'
+ 'Proximity: ' + beacon.proximity + '<br />'
+ 'RSSI: ' + beacon.rssi + '<br />'
+ '<div style="background:rgb(255,128,64);height:20px;width:'
+ rssiWidth + '%;"></div>'
+ '</li>'
return app;
I added these lines var notifyEntryStateOnDisplay = true; var beaconRegion = new cordova.plugins.locationManager.BeaconRegion(identifier, uuid, major, minor, notifyEntryStateOnDisplay);
and change testing device from an ipad mini to an iphone 5 and it started working for me. If you still have problems go through #53
Hi, i have some questions:
delegate.didEnterRegion = function(pluginResult) { if (app runs in background mode && beacon.distance < 4meter && userisnotalreadynotified == false){ createLocalNotification('didEnterRegion: ' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult))
var userisnotalreadynotified = true
} };
does someone maybe have a codesnippet for that?
greez & thx 4 help Sebastian
Setting up the iBeacon regions like this didn't change a thing
new cordova.plugins.locationManager.BeaconRegion(identifier, uuid, major, minor, true);
Hi, I have a small project which requires ibeacons ranging in the foreground and monitoring with local notifications on the background. The plugin works great on Android but on IOS once I put the app on the background nothing happens. I looked the issue #53 but no luck. Here is the code. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
app.startScanForBeacons = function() { console.log('startScanForBeacons');
var delegate = new locationManager.Delegate();
delegate.didStartMonitoringForRegion = function(pluginResult){ console.log('Call monitoring'); app.didBeaconsInRegion(pluginResult); };
// Called when monitoring and the state of a region changes. // (Not used in this example, included as a reference.) delegate.didDetermineStateForRegion = function(pluginResult){ //console.log('didDetermineStateForRegion: ' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult)) };
delegate.didStartRangingBeaconsInRegion = function(pluginResult){ console.log('didDetermineStateForRegion: ' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult)) };
delegate.didRangeBeaconsInRegion = function(pluginResult){ console.log('didDetermineStateForRegion: ' + JSON.stringify(pluginResult)) // app.didBeaconsInRegion(pluginResult); };
// Set the delegare object to use. locationManager.setDelegate(delegate) // Request permission from user to access location info. // This is needed on iOS 8. locationManager.requestAlwaysAuthorization();
// Start monitoring and ranging our beacons. for (var r in app.beaconRegions) { var region = app.beaconRegions[r]
var beaconRegion = new locationManager.BeaconRegion(, region.uuid, region.major, region.minor)
} } // Display pages depending of which beacon is close. app.didBeaconsInRegion = function(pluginResult) {